Chapter 18

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After letting all my tears fall, I lift my head from Levi's chest.

"Thanks Levi," I say, wiping my face.

"No problem. I'm always here for you."

I smile, knowing he really means that.

"Lights out! It's 9:30!" A UPP guard calls.

"Well, goodnight Noelani. See you in the morning," Levi says, squeezing my hand.

"Goodnight Levi. Thanks, for everything." 

He smiles, and climbs above me.

I really didn't want to sleep, but I'm really tired, and so I quickly drift into a deep slumber.


"Our time, is short!" Mark tells Alice.

I'm back at their house, but this time, in their bedroom.

"I know! We only have 2 weeks left to find Noelani and Levi, and heal Cassie before the Fatal Convergence!"

Fatal Convergence? What?!

"Honey. I think I know where they are." Mark tells Alice.

"Really! Where!" She frantically asks.

"Sante Fe, New Mexico. I had another vision from the Dark One. he's getting angered, but was able to tell me their location. It's a base home to Unusual Phenomenon Preventers, or UPP's. It turns out. Noelani and Levi are there with hundreds of other kids like them! Imagine if we brought them all to the Dark One! We'd be promoted for sure! I bought us tickets to Sante Fe, we leave bright and early tomorrow. We're also meeting up with Bill and Carol. They're helping us get all the special children."

Bill and Carol?

"Oh honey! The Dark One will be so proud! I'll call our nanny for the week." Alice tells him.

"Good. While you do that, I have to think of a way to sneak special kids out of the base and into the Dark Realm."

The Dark Realm? I guess that's where the 'Dark One' lives?

But I have no time to think on this when I'm jolted awake.



I wake up on the floor again. 

C'mon! Why can I wake up in my bed for once!

"Noelani?" Kayla whispers.

"Yup. Me again." 

She comes over, helps me up, and we go over to the picnic table.

"Another dream?" She asks.

"Yah. You?"

"Yup. But my foster parents did mention a couple named Alice and Mark." Kayla tells me.

"Those are the names of my adoptive parents!" I exclaim. "Wait, are your foster parent's names Bill and Carol?" I ask.

"Yes! Ugh! This is getting creepier by the minute!" She exclaims.

"Wait, but if they said tomorrow, I bet it's today! Because time zones here are different than in Georgia!" I exclaim. "Oh no! I'd rater stay here than go to the 'Dark Realm', whatever that place is!"

"I doubt they'll get in. The security here is amazing. No one, can get in or out, unless they're allowed." Kayla assures me.

I calm down a bit, but I'm still nervous. Who knows! I thought Alice and Mark were normal people!

StruckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora