Chapter 34: Love Me

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This chapter will contain sexual content. That's right! Sexual freaking content, but first, it will cover important stuff so you might want to stay for that. When the sexual activities commence, I will have bold X's to indicate that. You may leave there if that sort of content offends you. Please vote, comment, and most importantly ENJOY!!!!

Since I accidentally hit published three times *facepalms*, I made this chapter long. (And I also didn't wanna break it into two. 😄)


          My body stood still as my mind stumbled around gathering all the things I wanted to say while his heavy eyes burned into me. His feet began proceeding towards me in slow, tiny steps until he was right before my stiff body. "What do you want from me, Arie?" His voice came out gravelly with defeat swimming within it.

          "What do I want from you?" I scoff, knitting my brows together. "What do I fucking want from you?" My voice booms through the room, bouncing off the white walls and the tall ceiling while I step closer to him with my hands shoving him back. "I want you to tell me what do you mean you can't do this with me? That's what I want."

He squeezed my wrists tight that laid on his chest, but it didn't hurt, instead it just fueled my anger even more. "It means I can't do this with you. It's as simple as that."

I jerk my hands away from his restraint and cross them across my chest. "Why not?"

"Because I just can't." He pinched the bridge of his nose and walked past me to the bed, taking a seat on the edge of it with his head hanging low in his hands. "I just can't."

"There should be a reason for it." I tilted my head and looked at the hopeless man with dreadful eyes. "Am I not good enough?"

          "Jesus, Arie, no." He immediately looked up and reached forward to grab my shaky hands. "Don't say that. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on and any man would be fortunate to have you."

          Pulling my hands away, I take a step back and place them on my waist. "Then what's the problem? Why can't you be that man?" I fought hard to prevent the trail of salty hot tears that were seeking a path to escape my eyes and weaken me due to Leo's deafening silence that shoved daggers in my burdened chest.

He just continued to stare at the polished marbled floor with his brows frowning and his lips sealed shut. My hands slowly lift his face up to meet my eyes. "Leo," I get closer to him, placing myself between his legs and looking down at his conflicted blue orbs that were unusually droopy. "I love you." My voice crawled up my throat so quietly that I could barely hear it myself through the deranged emotions that crumbled me, however, at the same time also lifted a burden off my shoulders while my thumbs caress his cheeks gently. "I'm in love with you and I can't help it."

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