Chapter 33: Kiss Me

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The song above is the one that plays at Sophie's wedding. Kiss me by Ed Sheeran. One of my absolute favorite songs. ❤️ Enjoy reading this chapter.


(Arie's POV)

           "You look amazing!" I bend down and whisper into Sophie's ear as she stared at her reflection in the long antique mirror in front of her. She smiled meekly and squeezed my hand that rested on her shoulder. Letting out a heavy breath, she stood up with her white dress flowing in all directions. White lace covered her upper body and arms in the form of little flowers scattered all over and lining her deep neck, exposing her cleavage while multiple layers of white net sat upon the one single layer of silk beneath all the puffy monstrosity. Her hair was nicely pulled to the right, resting above her shoulder in soft, delicate, yet strong curls with cans of hairspray lathering each strand.

"Really?" She asked, furrowing her freshly waxed brows and puckering her glossy lips that were a slight shade of pink, matching her blush.

"Yes, really." I smile at her and take her shaky hand in mine. "I don't know how, but you've managed to look like an angel. You're only missing some wings now."

She laughs and embraces me. "God, I'm a little scared."

"You'll be fine. Just breathe and be the badass Sophie that I know and love."

Pulling away she grins at me. "You're going to be taking all the attention off of me with that beautiful dress I chose."

"Please," I roll my eyes and walk towards her four inch heels that she insisted on wearing. The only eyes I needed on me were Leo's, who I haven't talked to since the club yesterday. I woke up this morning in my bed with a slight headache and no recollection of last night's events. Aunt Wendy said that I was supposedly drunk and Leo brought me home, but that's complete bullshit for sure. The last thing engraved into my memory was me drinking water and slowly fading away into oblivion. I let Aunt Wendy believe I was drunk, but I know there's much more to it. I don't want to ask Sophie, so Leo is the only person who probably knows the entire story, but he isn't answering my texts or calls which is very unusual.

"Thank you," Sophie said as I placed her heels at her feet. "And I'm being serious. I mean look at you." She pointed at my outfit which was a peach strapless dress I was adorned in with lace covering my breasts in tender and precise folds starting on each side and joining at the valley in the middle, then being cut off by a wide silk ribbon in a darker shade that tied off to the right side of my waist and flowed chiffon down my long legs. "You can't tell me that you don't look hot."

Before I could retort back, the other two bridesmaids strutted into the room of the mansion Sophie's parents owned an hour away from my house in a nice, plain, secluded area with greenery all around. They narrowed their eyes at me like Cinderella's evil stepsisters while they flipped their newly dyed blonde hair. "Dumbass bitches," Sophie mumbled under her breath and smiled wide at them, making me laugh internally.

"It's time!"


Walking down the aisle, my heels played with the white carpet, crushing the delicate white rose petals scattered by the flower girls in the ginormous hall of the mansion. Taking my place by the altar, I wait for Sophie to walk down with her father to marry Rob who fidgeted with his fingers nervously, sweat breaking on his forehead.

Mia Regina (#1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz