Chapter Four

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I dont know what has gotten into me . I have expressed things, that i've never told anyone before to Jai. Although they weren't deep, I still talked and babbled on like a loonie but, there Surfing came out of my mouth like it was no big deal when it was. 

About three years ago, Surfing was my whole fucking life. You know how, everyone one has that one thing that they were made to do? Like how some people were born to dance or sing, well surfing was something that I was very passionate about. It was my way to express but then I quit. It just felt right at the time and now, I really dont talk about to anyone about. Not even my dad. Not anyone.

Then Jai comes along, and then suddenly I start talking about how I sing in the shower sometimes and that I love toblerons...then I mentioned surfing.

I dont know what to think anymore. I dont even know him but Im telling him things i've never told anyone before and doing the most insanely embarrassing things that I would never in a million years do but I did because for some reason, I just felt like it would be...I dont know. I stayed silent for the car drive. I was overthinking again, i know that, but I cant help it . Jai tried making talk again but something inside just felt the need to just not talk. Just not do anything. Just sit and think.

Two days ago, If I didn't meet Jai, I would probably sitting in my room crying because Marcus would have probably been gone. If Jai wasn't here, I wouldn't have had the best day of life. I dont think I'd laugh so much and now, Im just sitting here over thinking because of  that one sentence that came out of my mouth.

"Are you sure, that you're alright? Jai asked.

I sighed, "Yeah, Im fine"

Im just really curious how you made me talk about surfing, when I havent said the word 'surf' in about two years. 

"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" Jai said.

Thats the problem...why?

"We should hang out sometime again" Jai looking at me for a second and then looking back at the road. He wanted to hang out with me again? Im so boring though. Its surprising that a guy like him, would want to  hang out with someone like me. I wasn't fun or outgoing, and the complete opposite of him.

"Yeah. We should" I said, giving him a warm smile. I couldnt help but smile.

"Why dont you meet the guys and me tomorrow?" He asked. I didnt want to invade thier fun or interrupt what ever they do.

"Wont they mind?" I asked, wrinkling my nose. 

"Nah. Tommorow were probably just staying at my house and watch a film or two" He said. I guess that isn't too bad, right? Its not like I can piss them off when Im just sitting down and looking at the TV , right?

"I'd love to. Just text me your adress and time." I said, and then he pulled into my driveway. I gave a smile, and undid my seatbelt a got off the car. I walk up to the door and waved goodbye, but he didn't leave until Uncle Cage opened the door.

Then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocked "32 Hannahway street at 12?"

"MUM! IM GOING TO JAI'S HOUSE TOMORROW" I yelled out. She came running down.

Heart nuisance (Janoskians fanfic- Jai Brooks) COMPLETED AND BEING EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now