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I know I've probably already used this picture but I think it really goes with the chapter. The chapter that you're all probably gonna hate me for. IM SORRY IT WILL ALL BE OKAY SOON.

All my friends - My favorite characters are Heather McNamara, Evan Hansen, and Michael Mell!
Me - They're amazing but I like Jason Dean, Connor Murphy, and The Squip!
All my friends - But they are all villains.

NOW TIME FOR SUICIDE WHEEEEEEE Also this is the second or third to last chapter and I will be having a character Q and A after this.

And if you don't cry during this chapter, I don't know what will ever make you cry. Bc I just finished this and Ive already used most of my tissues. So please, get your tissues and ice cream ready. HERE WE GO

Martha - Hello dear! How was school?
John - Um, fine.


I threw my backpack on Alex's bed. None of it would really matter anymore. I'be tried to jump off a building before. Some kid in purple with long blonde hair told me that no one deserved to disappear. I can't believe I believed him.

Ive tried cutting myself to death. I still had the scars on my arms. But Johnny barged in on me and told me that I had a too good of a penis to die. I can't believe I believe him.

I just needed disappear from the world but it seemed like no one would let me. I didn't know many ways to commit suicide where no one would notice. Then it popped in my head. I remember that Lafayette once talked about his friend Heather who tried to commit suicide. She failed, but hopefully I don't.

I dashed around the corner to the bathroom. I saw Martha and George downstairs with the little ones. They were so happy, I could never be like that. I would try over and over but it never seemed to work out. There was another heart break after another.

I knew that it was stupid, but I just couldn't get it out of my head. I thought that he would be there. He would be the one to protect me from everything. I noticed that even when he got home, Alex would continue to write, he would been write late when the sun would go down. I barely saw him at school anymore, he was doing something with Angelica in the music room. He was never around for me anymore.

I pulled a paper from my pocket and grabbed a pen from the bathroom closet. No suicide would be a suicide without a note, right?

Dear everyone,
I'm sorry. But I just want to disappear. I've told to do this since I was young, and I feel like we all had that feeling in our gut that it would happen sometime.

Lafayette - You were my first friend. You bought me food and comfort. I will always be thankful for that. I wish you the best for the rest of your precious life.

Hercules - You are the perfect boyfriend for Lafayette. You have made me laugh and helped me to pretend like this wouldn't ever happen. Thank you.

Sam - I know we didn't ever talk that much, but no ones ever taken the time that you have to really sit down with me. I could see how much you cared in your eyes. You have a kind soul, and that's what others and I loved about you.

Charles - I know I never really met you, but you seemed to be a nice person to Sam. Don't break his heart again please, for me.

Broken // Lams SoulMate AU Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt