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Rich, Jason Dean, Eliza Schuyler and Connor Murphy set a fire and it burned down the house OOOOOOHHHHHH

John - S-so what happened?! Are you okay?!
Alex - Oh yeah, Laf and Herc came and totally beat up your dad!
Lafayette - IT WAS AWESOME!!
John - H-he said some pretty mean things didn't he?
Hercules - Yeah, but everything he says is complete bullshit John, please don't listen to him.
Alex - He said something about giving him his two sons back! Don't what he could mean by that.

I turned around to see Phillip sat on the Schuylers couch. He was a giggling mess. I knew that it was strange that Phillip looked so much like me. I know I have siblings but, no. How could I be united with all of my family so soon? Why can't I just be a normal person! Hell, I can't even see what color Alex's beautiful eyes are. I can't even hug him like a normal person!

Alex - John? Are you okay?
John - Alex, do you think it's possible that...that I really am related to Phillip?
Alex - Well, I don't...I don't know.
Eliza - Oh god.
Angelica - It would make sense, I guess.


I pulled out my phone. I had just gotten a notification. It was probably someone commenting on my fanfiction! It has about 5K views, almost 500 votes, and 1K comments! Some people on here are so creative.

I opened my phone and the notification I got was the opposite of what I was expecting. My eyes went wide and I clamped my hand over my heart. I know that I wasn't close to him, but to know that- that he. Oh god, how could this happen?!

Alex - Peggy? Are you okay?
Peggy - U-umm. How bout you guys look at this.

I handed Alex my phone. Everyone gathered around the phone that rested in his hands. They all had the same horrifying reaction that I had.



Welcome to the multi musical gay guy talk show that I know you all need!
I stood in the old hospital room. How could I let this happen?! I'm such a god damn idiot! This is all my fault. There were two other people who were in the same situation as Evan. Asleep in hospital beds, obviously hurt.

The man next to Evan was a small boy with light brown hair. He was wearing a shirt with a bisexual flag on it. I remembered that the pride festival was the other day. I'm sure it was that fault of some god damn homophobe. There was another man in a red jacket who was in the same condition. I wonder what happened to him.

The door opened and I saw a brown skinned man with a dark quiff and a red sweatshirt with many patches sewed onto it. He was followed by a boy who liked quite similar to the guy who sat next to Evan, he wore a jacket that matched the boy from across the room. I'm assuming he's here for him.

Michael - What happened to him?
Connor - We were running to the tallest tree. He was climbing after me, then, he just fell. His arm is broken, but he'll be fine.
Michael - Oh, I'm sorry, are you his boyfriend?
Connor - N-maybe. NO! Yes, it's no!
Michael - Oh, that's a shame, you'd look cute together. I know that guy over there is gay.
Kurt - IM NOT GAY!!
Michael - Please. When you and Ram die, you're gonna be up there disco dancing and Jesus will say it's cool.
Kurt - He was almost in heaven, but thankfully he's not. He got shot by some weird insane guy. I have no idea who it was, but I'm going to kill him!
Connor - What about him?
Micheal - He got taken over by a computer.
Kurt - I'm sure that's not the case.
Micheal - Uh, yeah it is! It's called a squip! It's from Japan! Ugh, forget it. It's gone anyways, I just brought him here to recover.
Connor - So let me get this straight, were all gay guys here visiting our best friend who everyone thinks is our boyfriend but isn't even though we probably do have a crush on him?
Micheal - Yep!
Kurt - I'm not gay™!
Connor - Suuuure.

Suddenly, a man in a bright purple outfit rushed into the room. He looked insane, his face was bright red and his hair stood straight up, I wonder if he's ever able to put that kind of hair down.

Thomas - WERE IS MY SON?!
Micheal - Whoa, Buddy. Be more chill!
Thomas - My boyfriend jumped off a building and I don't know where he is?! I can't just let him die from suicide! Not like this!
Connor - Jumping off a building to kill yourself, sounds festive.

Connor - GUY WHO THINKS IM DATING EVAN!!! Great to see ya!
Thomas - You guys are horrible.
Kurt - Thanks Evan. What am I chopped liver?!
Connor - No, your an asshole, that's what you are!
Kurt - I could say the same thing to you!


I stared at James in the hospital bed. Jefferson had dragged us all here. I was honestly never close to him at all. He was such a quiet and secretive guy. I feel like he never let anyone in. Maybe, the lack of people. Maybe that's what made him do it.

His heart monitor continued to beep and go up. I prayed that my fanfiction wasn't going  to go this way. EVERYONE WOULD HATE ME FOR KILLING SOMEONE!! Wait, killing someone. Hmmm, what character would people get mad at me for killing? OH! I KNOW!! But I'll save that for later.

Eliza - Peggy! Get off your IPad! There's a serious issue here!
Peggy - Sorry!

We all stood around the bed and prayed that he wouldn't be successful in the act. His Herat was pumping pretty fast, maybe he failed. Maybe he could love another day and be able to open up more. He could never think about suicide again and just live a happy life. It could....


Broken // Lams SoulMate AU Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang