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Everyone's saying that Great Comet was 'robbed' and I'm like "Ya know what? How bout fuck you ima go listen to Dear Evan Hansen!"

Also The Storm Chapter™

Martha - AAAALLLLEEEXXXX!!! You're gonna need to watch little Phillip today!
Alex - What?! I thought, I thought you were staying home.
Martha - Honey, you're fathers gotta go to work, I'm meeting up with some friends of mine, and your siblings have to go to school. Just please watch him and make sure John is alright, okay?
Alex - Okay. Bye mama!
Martha - Bye John! Bye Alex!

As my parents and siblings walked out into the garage, I saw Lin pass by me on his way down. He grabbed my wrist and led me back into the bathroom. I knew what this had to mean.

Lin - Money?
Alex - Money.

I sighed and placed the money in my brothers hand. He snickered and pushed open the door as he stuffed the money in his pocket. I rolled my eyes and stuck my leg out before he could stop himself. He fell right down the stairs onto his ass.

Lin - Motherfucker!

Lin ran out into the garage, closing the door wth a bang. John and I weren't sick anymore, but we decided just to keep up the act for one more day, it's Friday after all. I poked my head into my room, John was fucking shirtless. I gasped and pined myself against the wall outside of my room. Fortunately, John heard where I was. He poked his head out of the door and giggled when he saw my dark red face.

John - See something you like?
Alex - Y-yes.
John - Well then-
Alex - Shit!

I walked back into the room and picked up Phillip in my arms. He cried and I tried to shush him and bounce in my arms. John came up to my side and let his fingers tickle up the sides of the small child. Phillip laughed and smiled brightly at John.

Alex - Wha- how'd you do that?
John - I guess he just likes me!

The three of us walked down to my downstairs. I sat down on the couch and played with our red string that connected to the two of us. John continued to rock Phillip back and forth until he fell fast asleep. I guess he made two people fall asleep, because when I opened my eyes, I could see that both the weather and the time had changed.

I heard loud bangs outside the house. I was about to jump up, until I saw Phillip laying on my lap. I picked him up and kissed the top of his head. He opened his bright green eyes and stared into my boring brown eyes.

I set him back down on the couch and continued to walk up to the window. I saw the dark grey and cloudy sky looming over the town. The loud bangs had been hard rain, it was really raining hard out there. A loud crash of thunder rattled the house with a loud boom. I fell back onto the floor and quivered at the sound. Don't think about it Alex, don't think about it.

Ding dong.

The door bell rang and cleared out the sound of the loud thunder. That must be John. I got up and opened the door to see two people standing there at the door. They looked familiar, I didn't know where I could've recognized them from, but I sure felt something.

There was a man and a woman. Married I could tell. They looked like they had been through something really ruff. I sure could feel pity for them.

John - Alex, who is it?

John walked down the stairs and stood at my side. The man and woman gasped at the sight of the boy. I looked at John, and then back at the man and woman. The two of them looked awfully familiar. Maybe that's why I think they look so familiar. They look so familiar to John.

John - A-Alex come on!
Alex - Wait what? Wh-who are they?
John - They are people who we aren't gonna talk to! Grab Phillip, were heading over to the Schuyler house for the night.

John pushed the man and woman away from him. They continued to call his name but he walked away. I immediately regretted walking behind John. I almost forgot that it was raining hard and thundering while purple lighting flashed through the sky.

I cuddled into Johns shoulder as we walked. I knew that he wished that he could wrap his arm around me and make me feel protected and safe, but he couldn't. I was staid g on his left side. Atleast it isn't the worst storm I've ever been in. I just can't think about....nothing. No, don't think about that Alex. It's just gonna make you feel worse.

The two of us soon reached the front door of the Schuyler mansion. Their house was one of the biggest things I've ever seen. Their small dog barked from the inside of the house as I knocked on the door. I was eager to get out of this storm. A few seconds later, the door was opened by the one and only Peggy Schuyler.

Peggy - Whoa! What are you guys doing out here?! You know how hard it's raining! Cmon get in get in!

I thanked Peggy as I walked in with John at my side. Eliza slid down the stair railing as Angelica followed from the stairs. They both ran up to me, eager to see that their crush had walked into their house.

Eliza peered behind me and saw John. I expected her to be jealous and mad because I was dating John, but instead, she walked up to John and hugged him and talked. She asked him if he was okay and showed him to the kitchen to drink some hot chocolate.

I smiled. This is really what John needs. Peggy came up next to me and took Phillip from my arms so that I could sit down and relax. She bopped his nose and set him on the couch. She walked back into the kitchen and pulled a large high chair from one of the cabinets. She came back into the living room with it in her arms. She set the small child in the chair and gave him a small turtle plushie from her pocket. Peggy is the best with babies.

Alex - Thank you Peggy!
Peggy - Hey! No problem! You know how much I love babies!
Angelica - Okay Alexander, now tell us why you're here?
Alex - Yeah, so basically, there were these two people standing at the door. I don't really know who they were, but they seemed to know who John was. He ran away and grabbed me as soon as he heard them.
Eliza - Umm- Alex!
Alex - Yeah?
Eliza - Speaking of him, John wants to talk to you.

I followed Eliza into the kitchen and smiled as I sat down next to my boyfriend. He was cuddled in a small blanket with a mug of hot chocolate sitting in front of him.

Alex - So, you wanted to talk to me John?
John - Yeah. I know that you deserve an answer. Especially after since I just barged out of your house, talking you along with me.
Alex - It's fine, I can just text my parents that we're here. They'll be fine with it.

I pulled out my phone and found my dads contact. I texted him that John and I had gone to stay over at the Schuylers house. I knew that he would be okay with it, I've gone over to their house before.

Alex - John and I went over to the Schuyler house in case your wondering.
George - Alex.
Alex - Yeah.
George - Mind telling me why Johns parents are over here?

I dropped my phone to the floor.


Broken // Lams SoulMate AU Where stories live. Discover now