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dazai osamu

dazai is a child lost in the darkness, looking for light, even a small flicker of it that would lead him to feel hope for the never-ending hell,called life.

he was wandering around, until he found you, that is. you were not the small flicker of light he was looking for, god, you were like the sun itself.

you gave him reason to continue living, yet you were so far from him, you were out of his reach.

this is the story of how the moon fell in love with the sun.


dazai was staring at you, the usual thing for him to do. he would tease you and call it, "basking in your heavenly rays," you would laugh and smack him lightly, thinking that it was only a mere joke. not knowing that the statement was true, that he considers you as his unreachable goal, the sun.

atsushi tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to lose his concentration on you.

"ehh, what is it, atsushi- kun ?" dazai asked, dragging the vowel in every word. atsushi laughed softly, "yes, yes, dazai- san, i know that. i'm sorry to have interrupted your flower viewing, but before kunikida- san left, he told me that you should really finish your report."

dazai dramatically flailed him arms about, "ahh, such evil is kunikida- kun, too pull my eyes away from my beautiful flower, which is f/n."

you giggled, used to dazai's silly antics, "dazai- san, get to work. i know you are capable of achieving such a task."

dazai smiled, that smile that you would usually see a child wearing when he gets candy, " ahh, therefore as my radiant sun wishes me to be working, i shall !"

sitting down, after his eccentric performance, he quickly typed on his laptop, abit giddy.

'she praised me, she smiled at me'

'i'm happy.'

others were aware of how dazai usually acted like a high school girl in love whenever she was a topic; some were happy for him and some were disgusted and some were disappointed. of course, dazai was aware of this. sometimes he would question it.

how ?

how did an extremely ordinary girl like you enslave him ?

how did he let himself to be a slave to love ?

how would he protect you ?

ever since meeting you dazai has gained one fear, and that is losing you.

this fear consumed him so that he didn't want to sleep before making sure you were safe.


the next day, dazai's only and greatest fear came true. the armed detective agency, port mafia and the guild declared a three-way war.


dazai's eye were dull for the whole day, his cold sweat was overflowing. he was like a dead body with words like strings.

he walked as if he had no bones. this worried the agency, especially you.

"dazai- san, are you okay ?" f/n asked, genuinely concerned.

dazai heard the angelic voice of his sun and forced a smile, "of course, my gracious sun! what would have made you think otherwise ?"

f/n frowned, seeing through his smile, "really now, dazai-san ?"

dazai grabbed her arm and brought her outside the office. "dazai- san ! wha--" she was silenced by a loud shush from him.

going inside an empty office, dazai hugged her tightly.

f/n was surprised, but she returned the hug. "osamu- san," she started, dazai flinched as she really doesn't used his first name often, "tell me, what has been bothering you ?"

dazai remained silent for a few minutes before giving her an answer.

"i'm afraid."

"afraid of what ?"

dazai mumbles some unheard world, tears already leaking out at every second. f/n just smiles weakly, lightly patting his back to ease all of his tears out.

in a weak whimper, dazai answered her, "I'm afraid of losing you, f/n. i'm afraid to lose you, my sun. if you were to be gone, what am i then ? whose light will i reflect then ? whose grandiose will bless me each and every day ? whose light i will bask in everyday ? who will convince me to continue living ?!"

f/n blushed deeply at dazai's confession, but laughed it off. "dazai- san, there are much more people more radiant than me, they can give  you much more reason to live than me."

dazai tightened his grip on f/n, " but it's you ! it's you f/n, it's only you who makes up me !"

f/n is surprised, but something inside her wouldn't click, no matter how hard he tried she just couldn't understand it. why he loved her ? why was she his sun ? why ?

not being to say anything, f/n just hugged him.


the next day f/n l/n was one of the many casualties in the war.


being having lost his sun, the moon no longer shined, nor was it special.

now it was just a giant piece of stone who is floating in hope to find another source of light.

// ahh,, i'm so sorry for ending this like shit but shit, shit.. omygod, i'm so shitty.

anyways @AnimeLover0706 this is for uuu !!

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