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tsubaki; servamp of melancholy


she who is a human who is ignorant of the world of vampires, and he who is one of the prime servamps that threaten the world's current state of peace.she who walks with light and he who walks in the darkness.she who opens her door for everyone else letting all of them come in, and he who locks his door, staying in solitude, waiting for his key.

she is that key.

he loves her, yet he is unknown to her.

she is happy, but she knows something is missing.

but what ?


"nee, nee belkia," tsubaki mused, waving his arm about. "what is it, tsubakyun ?!" belkia answered, striking one of the wierdest poses yet again, in reply tsubaki just laughed hysterically and immediately stopped.

"i'm bored," he sighed.

'another bad mood ?'

sakuya didn't hear belkia's thoughts but he knew exactly what it was, "yup, just another bad mood."

"tsubakyun gets that alot these days, wonderin' what's bothering him ?"

belkia sighed, "yeah, maybe."

tsubaki was bored, that's all there is too it. she doesn't know him, there's nothing to do. he wanted to ask her out for haagen-dazs but she doesn't know him. he wanted to ask for her advice but she doesn't know him. he wants to invite her for dinner, but she doesn't know him.

oh, the many things that he wanted to do with her if only she knew him.

he was now in a cafe, ordering a matcha cake and smoothie. while waiting in the line, he was eyeing her, she sat on the table near a window, gazing outside. she wore a red kimono  and a white haori, her geta were adorned with little camellias, her hair was in another eccentric get up that was different from yesterday's updo.

if only, if only, if only she knew me.

"sir, your order ?" the cashier's peppy voice brought him back to the real world. he stuttered out a faint, "matcha cake and smoothie"

the cashier smiled and let out a loud "thank you sir ! your order will be brought to you in a few minutes," not noticing how tsubaki looked at her with a disdainful stare, 'you're annoying, why can't you just be more like me ?', he thought.

walking towards f/n table, he sat at the table right behind hers.

why can't you just turn around and see me ?

sitting in his solitude, tsubaki found himself blocking all of the noise in the cafe, another world, just for him and her. he seemed to be enjoying the distance between them, as if her presence itself was enough, but this statement is completely false, tsubaki is selfish for her, he wants her to be his body and soul.

i want all of you.


f/n was now in her favorite cafe, sipping from a glass of f/d. she found this day to be an enjoyable one, but there was this little constant thought that tells her that something is missing. like a lost puzzle piece.

but what?

she asks herself this on a daily basis, but her answer is yet to be found. it's on the tip of her tongue and her mind, yet it refuses to be seen.

as the man wearing a black yukata and a flowing white haori walked past her, something inside her clicked, like some gear inside her somehow turned right. "excuse me !"she yelled, words coming out of her mouth like clockwork, as if those words were waiting for this exact moment.

the man, already sitting in his seat was extremely surprised, as if he was yearning for this exact moment. nonetheless, he acted coolly, "yes ?"

f/n stuttered, she's never been this loud with strangers, she managed to find the words to ask, "how do you find something that you know is missing but you yourself  is ignorant of this thing ?"

the man laughed hysterically, chugging down his matcha smoothie, he laughed again, " i don't know, dear. they will come when the time is right. maybe now is not the right time for you to meet," he handed her his untouched matcha cake, "here you go, dear. i'm kinda full anyway, and remember, the one you're looking for might be searching too."

laughing tsubaki headed for his apartment.

'you'll never find the missing piece, dear.'


we are not destined to be together.

but we will continue chasing one another till the end of time.

for are souls are connected, but our strings are not.

yay, finally tsubakyun ,<3. dazai will come out a bit later this week ?? i'm busy though, lol

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