lily of the valley

32 5 0

ame; wolf children


la belle et la bete, quelle tragedie;

elle est comme le jour, il est come la nuit.

ame always knew that they weren't really meant to be with each other. ame knew that she wasn't even supposed to meet him in the first place. ame knew that she was not supposed to love him, nor was he supposed to love her.

that's the problem, he knew all those.

he usually told himself not to listen to these things, to think of what his mother said, but those thoughts consumed him.

'you know, i really like wolves.'

those words which you and his mother shared, which gave him strength to go on.

tripping on a rock, he groaned, turning back into a human. he looked at his knees and they presented a large purplish bruise. "shit," he cursed under his breath.

his master came back to him, licking at the wound. he flicked his head outward, motioning that it was okay to go home. ame weakly stood up, motioning a 'thank you' to the fox.


f/n was staying in her and ame's shared house. it was a small log cabin, but it was nice.

she was sleeping on a couch she found in the forest, and repaired too. it was a deep forest green one, with patches of white here and there.

she dreamt of her future with ame, spending her whole life with him and only him in the solitude of the forest. isn't it such a beautiful thought ? a content smile was plastered in her face, in her slumber.

ame came home, to see this smile on her face.

it made him feel happy.

it made him feel contented.

it made him feel safe.

but most of all, it made him feel guilty.

what if he would be the one to tear that smile from you ? what if he would be the one to turn it into tears ? what if he would be the one to destroy  you ? the thoughts themselves self sent shivers up his spine and tears down  his cheeks.

what if ? so many of them. but never an i'm sure.

breaking down, ame let out a constrained yell. careful not to wake her up. she who was his aphrodite, his freya, his hathor, his sun. but his constraint was not enough to keep her asleep

upon waking, what f/n saw was a crying ame with a bloody knee. " ame ! ame, what happened ?" she said, taking him in her arms, rocking him back and forth as if he was a child again. " everything's going to be okay, ame. everything's just fine, yeah ?" she hushed him down in a hushed voice.

"mom, please tell me that every thing is alright."

"everything will be alright, ame."

"no it will be not ! f/n, don't you see ? i'm a monster, i'll destroy you one day !" he yelled, "a- and i don't want that, please i don't want to do anything to you."

"ame," f/n started with a soft voice, " you are a wolf, yes. but does it make you anymore different from me ? you have emotions, you want things, you hate things, you love things. this appearance isn't the only things that make humans, well, humans, it's their humanity."

hugging him tightly once again, f/n continued, " and you, ame are more human than other men."

burying his head into the crook of your neck, ame let out a soft "thank you."


finishing things because, i'm bored as fuck. i left my ballpens at home, like wtf ??

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