Triccia and Niall - Beach

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“What is that?” She laughed as Niall sat down next to her, scanning the flat ocean with his light blue eyes.

“It’s my towel!” Niall defended as Triccia scoffed at his towel covered with pictures of various fast foods.

“What it is; is weird.” She giggled again as Niall huffed.

“He flicked a bit of sand in her lap before, pulling off his shirt and glasses and running into the waveless water. Triccia soon followed, wading into the sea in her blue bikini.

Niall was jumping about, trying to keep his head above water as a small plan formed in her mind. She slowly sunk under the water and squinted, opening her eyes and scanning the sand for a familiar pair of pale ankles.

She swam slowly, so she didn’t cause ripples, until she was directly behind his heels. Reaching out she pulled hard on his ankles, so that he went under the water with a girlish squeal.

She surfaced at the same time as Niall did. He shot her an annoyed scowl but Triccia couldn’t contain her laughter at the sight of him. His blonde hair was matted on his forehead as his face was twisted to look like a small child throwing a tantrum. The look was completed by his arms crossed tightly in front of him.

“It’s not funny, I could have DROWNED!” Niall exaggerated as Triccia burst into even stronger laughter. She tried to hold it in, forming a sympathetic face.

“I’m sorry NiNi.” She said mock-solemnly as she leaned forward, taking his face in her hands and kissing him softly and sweetly on the mouth.

He scooped her legs up and wrapped them around his waist so she was being held up by his hands under her thighs, her palms still cupping his cheeks. He kissed her more deeply then before and Triccia was completely lost in the kiss before the previous mental image of Niall popped back into her head.

She laughed again as Niall’s eyes opened and rolled around his skull before he dropped her in the water as she squealed. Niall smirked as she surfaced from the water.

“I deserved that.” Triccia said slyly as she leaned forward with puckered lips to kiss him again. He gladly obliged until the cheeky glint in Triccia’s eyes sparked up again and she splashed him with water.

He spluttered and shot a wave back with his cupped hands. They continued splashing around for a while until they emerged from the water, soaking and laughing.

Triccia gestured to her messy hair as she smiled at him.

“I must look like a drowned rat!” She smiled as she pulled her sandy hair off her face.

“No you don’t, you look beautiful, as always.” He smiled, pecking her cheek softly and walking back to their stuff. She smiled and blushed before following him.

Niall wrapped his strange towel around himself tightly as he shivered. The water had been beautiful and warm but since leaving the water, winds had picked up and began to make them both shiver.

She rummaged through her bag, looking for a towel to wrap around her frame as she shook from the cold. Her teeth began to chatter and goose bumps erupted on her skin as she swore, realising that her towel was at home.

“I f-forgot m-my towel-l.” She chattered wrapping her arms around herself as Niall smirked. “C-can I c-come in-n y-yours?”

“Only if you say that it’s not stupid.” He grinned wickedly.

“It-t’s not st-tupid.” She repeated.

“And that I am the bet person EVER!” He continued as his smirk grew wider, showing his teeth mischievously.

“YOU’RE TH-HE BEST P-PERSON EV-VER!” She screamed as he opened his towel so she could step inside it. Her front was pressed against his chest as he wrapped the towel around her back, hugging her.

“Better?” He asked, looking at her.

“Much.” Triccia said as her hair whipped around her face, the wind still flying furiously..

“I’ll miss you when you go home.” She said softly, her dark eyes fluttering up from beneath her lashes.

“Then you should come with me, back toLondon.” He replied quietly, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Triccia’s arms wrapped around his back, resting on his shoulder blades as they studied each other, gauging the reactions.

“Really?” She whispered as he nodded furiously.

“Please.” He said, bending down slightly so their lips were brushing against one another’s.

“Ok.” She mumbled, both sets of lips vibrating as she pushed them together tightly.  

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