Odette and Niall - Funfair

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I hope you like it! :) xx

"Where to now?" He giggled happily taking her hand.

"I am thinking that we could go and get something to drink and go watch the fireworks?" Odette suggested as she tried the calm down the excited boy.

"Nooooo. Let's go on more rides!" He grinned.

"Niall, knowing you, you'll pick the biggest one in here!" she said, knowing that she would eventually give in to the young Irish boy.

"But Harry and Zayn don't like rollercoaster's and Louis doesn't go on if Harry isn't going on and Liam doesn't go on if Zayn doesn't go on and I don't go on alone. Pleeeeease?" He begged, getting down on his knees and clasping his hands together in front of her.

"Fine but we go and get candy floss straight after!" She demanded, pulling him up with her.

"Ok!" He grinned pulling her after him as he ran up to the giant drop.

"Nuh-Uh. Nope, go on that alone, I can't do it." She said as she saw the colossal ride towering above her.

"Aww sweetie. Of course you can, I'll be right there." Niall said, taking her hands in his. Odette forced her eyes away from the giant ride and looked into Niall's blue ones. He pushed her hair out of her face and stared intently into her eyes. She bit her lip nervously but still nodded.

"Ok." Niall whooped with joy and pulled her forward.

"Tickets?" The large man asked roughly. He had a faint beard, a worn out blue singlet and a round belly. He reminded her of a large bear and if she saw him walking down the street at night, she would cross the road.

"Yep, here you go." Niall said happily, handing over the 14 tickets for the both of them.

"Wait. Are you that Niall boy from the band One Direction?" He asked, suddenly becoming more interested in what was going on.

"Yeah? Are you a fan?" Niall asked obvious to the sweat that wafted from the enormous man. Not quite who you picture when someone says a fan of One Direction.

"No, but my daughter is. Big fan, always going on and on about you." He said, now getting excited. He looked less like a vicious animal, and more like a teddy bear. He smiled and hopped about on his feet.

"Would you mind an autograph and a picture? It would mean the world." He begged.

"Of course!" Niall replied, pulling out the sharpie that he carried with him everywhere and signing one of the tickets that the man put forward.

Odette was handed a phone and she smiled as she took the picture. The man was at least 6 foot four and double the width of Niall, yet he stood there, his arms wrapped around Niall's shoulders.

'Thank you so much." He grinned and let them through and onto the ride.

"Bye!" Niall called as they took their seats.

The man had been a nice distraction from the fact that she was getting onto a death trap but the uncomfortable feeling soon settled back in the pit of her stomach. The ride rose up and Odette watched in horror as they rose further and further off the ground.

"Niall, I can't do it. Let me off, please Niall." She begged.

"Babe, calm down it hasn't started yet." Niall reassured her, squeezing her hand.

The ride halted at the top and they were greeted by spectacular views of the London skyline.

"Wow, just look at that." He said and Odette turned her neck so she could see Niall, his beautiful eyes full of wonder. He slowly realised that she was staring at him and give her a small smile, his face going pink.

"You're beautiful Niall." She whispered and Niall grinned even more. The fact that they were 300 ft in the air, washed away and she just saw him.

"I know that I haven't said this before but, I love you Odette." Her heartbeat quickened and she grinned.

"I love you t..." She started but before she could complete her sentence, the ride jolted half way down. She screamed as her stomach went out through her mouth and they were thrown back up again. Then for the final time, they sped downwards.

She couldn't even scream this time, a tiny squeak was all that would come out, and her heart literally skipped a beat. She opened her eyes.

"Shit." Niall laughed hysterically as the safety bars lifted up, allowing them off the ride.

"Oh my gosh. NIALL. You IDIOT!" She screamed hitting him in the chest. "That was the scariest moment of my life!"

"The scariest moment of mine was when, up there, I told you I loved you. I thought you wouldn't say it back." He said quietly, stepping out of his seat and helping Odette out of hers.

"I love you Niall." She whispered, kissing him softly and taking his hand as she gathered his bag and walked off the ride.

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