Eloise and Zayn - Camping Trip

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“This may well be the worst idea you have ever had.” Zayn said to me as he held up one of the black rods.

“No! It isn’t, it will be really fun, I promise!” I giggled as the rain dripped down my shirt. The beautiful, warm, sunny day that had been present as we drove here, had given way to the grey weather that was now looming.

“I am wet and unhappy.” Zayn said seriously as he tried to put the rod into the wrong loop.

“Babe, It goes in that one.” I said, pointing to the other side of the tent.

“I swear, camping has so many ‘that’s what she said’ jokes.” Zayn scoffed. I laughed as I threw down the poles, looking up into the drizzly sky.


“Is the tent supposed to look like that?” I questioned as we looked at the small blue structure.

“I thought it would be bigger….” Zayn said quietly.

Suddenly we erupted into fits of giggles.

“We are so hopeless!” I laughed. Zayn walked around the tent, judging our work as the rain sped up. “Quick get in.”

We landed inside the tent with a thump. Zayn had brought the sleeping bags and pillows in earlier so we slipped inside them, cuddling close to each other. I leant on his chest, listening to the drumming of the rain outside. It was relaxing, having Zayn and I, just quiet and warm as he twirled his long fingers around my hair.

“I quite like this idea now Eloise.” He said, whispering into my ear.

“I quite like you.” I replied, earning a small chuckle from Zayn.

Zayn was softly humming songs to me and playing with my hair as I held him close, listening to the quiet beating of his heart.

“Hey Eli?” Zayn murmured.


“What is one thing you want to do before you die?” He asked.

“Probablly to go skydiving or to meet JLS.” I replied.

“We should go skydiving together. As a two year anniversary present.” He said kissing my neck.

“Ok. Would you rather live with Niall or Liam?” I asked. Zayn considered this for a moment.

“You, definitely you.” He said.

“That wasn’t an option you idiot.” I said smirking as I hit his shoulder.

“Well, why can’t it be?” he said smiling down at me as I looked up at him.

“Be careful Zayn, I might just take you up on that.”

“Eloise, I want you to take me up on that.” He said. I was speechless, it would be two years together next month but he had never, ever mentioned living together before.


“I want to see you everyday, I want to fall asleep next to you, I want to be able to come home after a long day and just have someone that I love to talk to.” He said and I adjusted myself so that I was sitting next to him.

“I want that too.” I admitted and I did. I had wanted to take things one step further for a while but I didn’t want to face the possibility of rejection, he had never seemed to want the same things as me. But through this offer, this conversation, he proved that he was just as devoted to me as I was to him.

“I love you baby.” I said, pressing my lips on his.

“I love you Eloise.” He said, nuzzling my nose. We settled back into a comfortable silence before he coughed and spoke again.

“Eloise?” He asked.

“Yeah roomie?” He chuckled as I called him that.

“Can we go home. I really hate camping.”

“Sure babe, I hate it too.”

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