Chapter 1

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Eight years ago, Mia would not dare open this photo album. she wouldn't dare take a peek at the pictures in that album. She was too scared to remember those memories that break her heart anytime she remembered them.

She wouldn't dare remember the way she felt that night,or the way he held her and how vulnerable he was. How naive and love sick she was to have wholeheartedly given her virginity to an heartbroken eighteen year old drunk.

But still she couldn't forget him,he still somehow lingered in her thoughts no matter how many times she convinced herself that she was over him.

She sat on her bed,photo album on her thigh as she removed the cobwebs that threatened to deface the cover which she hadn't touched In years.

She flipped open the first page of it, her eyes scanning through the people in the picture. It was her sixtth birthday, her mom was kneeling behind her, holding the cake knife securely in Mia's hand. Chris was there too,holding her shoulder and smiling brightly.

Mia could feel the tears gathering in her eyes when she looked at her dad's happy face. He was standing behind her mom looking so handsome. She reached for his face tracing it slowly with her fingers.

"Dad..."Was all she managed to say before she slopped back on the bed using her hands to wipe the tear drops that were about to fall.

Her dad died two years ago in an accident. It was so unfortunate that he died on the spot. Still holding the album, she closed her eyes and pictured his face.

She smiled sadly,happy she hadn't thought about Chris on seeing his face on the picture but had thought about her dad instead.

It showed that indeed she had moved on,at least she thought so. Her phone's ringing soon drags her out of her thoughts. She turns her head toward the bedside table, angling up to take a quick look at the screen before her eyes boldly read 'Nate'. She sits up,clearing her throat as she did so.

"Hello babe" Nate buzzed rather happy as soon as she answered the call. "Hey, when should I pick you up from the airport?" She asked,her eyes scaling through the date on the magazine beside her.

Mia and Nate have been dating for months now but Mia had never felt like she loved him the way a girlfriend should. He had been in love with her since they met in college years ago,he had continuously asked her out but she always declined, her exact words were; 'I'm not ready for a relationship'.

However,Nate had waited patiently for Mia to accept him. They started out by becoming friends first, and then she grew fond of him. She felt guilty for making him wait so long so she decided to let him go. Her mom had advised her against it with the words;

'Mia you should give yourself another chance at love. Nate is a good man and he loves you ,why can't you see that. Sure he's not Chris but you have to let go and fall in love again. Child ,you're not getting any younger and neither is he so give him a chance'

After much thoughts, she finally accepted and he became her boyfriend.

"Guess what,I'm at your door" as if on cue,the door bell rang. Mia couldn't believe her ears so she literally ran to answer the door. She had missed him, he was away on a business trip and he just got back.

She flung the door open,revealing a very well dressed Nate holding a bouquet of flowers. He had on a white dress shirt tucked stylishly into a pair of black pants.

He smiled widely when he saw her smiling back at him. He had missed her so much that he couldn't go a day without thinking about her. To him his world was perfect with this woman standing before him.

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