New beginnings

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Walking on to the campus grounds of UCLA was tough for me mainly because I knew who and what I would have to face.

I haven't talked to Ellie or Cameron this whole summer mainly because I didn't feel like talking. I tried to reach out to Ellie a number of times but she just ignored me.

As for Cameron he tried all summer to reach me. I ignored his texts, calls, and Face times. I even ignored him when he would show up to my house asking for me. It took awhile for me to get over the fact that he and I were never gonna be together no matter how much I wanted to.

"Do you want me to carry these boxes in?", Dakota asked.

"Yeah that would be great", I said as I stepped into my dorm house.

I was the first one to arrive so I had the freedom to pick which room I wanted and to give myself a tour.

"This house is bigger then the one I had in college", my mother said.

"Yeah its bigger then I expected it to be".

"I can't believe my baby is here at college", she said tearing up.

"Don't cry mom, save your tears for later when Dakota comes in about 2 years".

"You're right", she said hugging Dakota. "But I'm gonna miss you too, my only girl", she said hugging me.

"I'm gonna miss you too mom, I wish dad was here".

"Well of course he had work but how else are we gonna pay for your overpriced education?", she laughed.

"Yeah that's true".

"Well Dakota and I have to get going".

"Call me when you guys get home".

"Will do", she said kissing my head as her and Dakota left me alone in my dorm.

After giving myself a quick tour of the room, I heard a key go into the door and I was awaiting another girl to come in.

She came in with a smile as she waved at me.

"You must be one of my many roommates, I'm Malia", she said holding out her hand.

"I'm Kat",

"Is that short for Kathrine or Katrina?".

"Sadly no", I laughed.

"So where are you from?".

"I'm from Chino Hills California , what about you".

"I'm from Montreal Canada".

"No way".

"Yeah way, it's the best, I miss it so much but it's really cool to be in America".

"If I were you, I'd go back to Canada", I joked.

As we were laughing another girl walked in.

"Omg Kat", she said.

"Kristen oh my god I missed you so much", I said hugging her.

"I missed you too".

"So Kristen this is Malia, Malia this is Kristen, she's from Canada".


"Yeah, Its great down there, we should all go together for spring break".

After that another two girls walked in laughing together.

"Hey", they said at the same time.

"Hey I'm Malia, this is Kat, and Kristen", she said.

"We're Scarlett and Luna", the girls said.

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