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"You were in there for awhile. Are you ok?", Cameron asked as I threw myself on my bed.

After a minute of debating on telling him I was pregnant I decided that it would be best if I wait.

"Yeah, I just got my period so it hurts.", I lied.

"I could make the pain go away.", he smirked.

I nodded as he leaned in. As he leaned in I turned my cheek over to him.

"Playing hard to get I see.", he laughed looking me up and down.

"Yeah well.", I said awkwardly as I could tell he was trying to read me.

"I can't wait to marry you."

"I can't wait to marry you either.", I smiled as I placed my lips on his.

As we pulled away I could tell that he was still trying to figure me out. I gave him a small fake smile. All I can think about is how he's gonna react. Everything we've gone through and now this just tops it off.

I felt more scared then happy and it was making me kind of sad. I had all of these plans I wanted to accomplish before having children but I guess those are out the door.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?", Cameron asked.

"Maybe we could just chill here for the day. I know it sounds stupid but I just want to spend my last day relaxing before our flight tomorrow night."

"Yeah we could go swimming and stuff and we could go see my grandparents again."

"You sure love them, don't you?".

"Yeah. I also really love my cousins. They make me feel like a kid again."

"That's how I feel when I'm with you.", I laughed.

"You too, but a little spicier if you know what I mean.", he winked.

"Hey do my parents know that you proposed?".

"Yeah. So you know that weekend like 3 months ago where I said I had a baseball tournament that lasted a day?".


"So I drove up to your house and asked for your dads blessing. Well actually I asked for everyone's."

"Even Dakotas?"

"Yup. He was surprisingly happy about it.", he laughed.

As he talked all these bad scenarios went through my head. What if he doesn't want to marry me after this? What if he doesn't want kids yet? What if he leaves me?

"Kat?", he asked snapping in my face.

"Wait, what?",

"I asked you if you were hungry".

"No. I'm not, I'm just tired.", I yawned.

"You should probably get to bed then."

I nodded as I tucked myself under the covers.

"I love you my beautiful fiancé.", he whispered.

"I love you to.", I said as I kissed his cheek.
4:30 am
I woke up with really bad in my stomach. It felt like someone was continuously kicking me over and over again. I sat up slowly as I continued to feel even more pain. I held on to my stomach tight to ease the pain.

"Are you ok?", Cameron mumbled half asleep.

"Mhm. I'm just gonna go use the bathroom."

He fell asleep again before I could respond so I just tiptoed out of bed.

The change up (Sequel to the perfect season)Where stories live. Discover now