I can't be that girl

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After a fun day with Cameron and Ellie all I wanted to do was relax. Bryce was coming back today and I couldn't be more excited to see him again. Hanging out with Cameron didn't make me change my mind about believing Bryce, it just cleared the air for Cam and I.

I was really hoping that Cameron and Bryce could get along because I really like Bryce and Cameron's one of my closest friends and was the only one out of my friends to hate Bryce. Cameron is way too shady when he talks about Bryce and it's apparent because he calls him Bryan ,Bruce or whatever B name he can come up with.

I honestly think that Cameron's moving on or already has because all he's been doing lately is hanging out with Malia who seems to be enjoying him. Hanging out with Cam doesn't affect my feelings at all for him because I've moved on.

When he asked me if those 3 1/2 months meant anything I wanted to lie and say no but I couldn't because it would further damage our friendship. Those 3 1/2 months meant a whole lot but I don't wish I could travel back in time and change anything myself or we did.

I woke up to a happy Ellie curling her hair across the room.

"Why are you so happy?", I asked. "Because Taylor and I are hanging out". "You and him seem to be very very close". "Year we're like this", she said crossing her fingers. "Are you guys like dating?". "Nope", she sighed. "Really?". "Yup and it sucks".

"Why have you guys been hanging out so much?". "Because we've been sleeping together for some fun. Plus I don't really think he's the type to get into a relationship". "Has he hinted that he likes you?". "I don't even know at this point. I've slept with so many guys at this point that I don't even know if guys are giving me genuine gestures or sexual gestures". "Did you guys set some rules or something?". "No and I kinda wish we did so I had some clarity. Honestly I don't know if this whole thing is no-strings-attached or what". "He seems like he likes you".

"Seems is the key word, I don't know if he's actually into me". "You could ask him", I shrugged. "So if you were still into Cam and you wanted to know if he was into you, you would ask him?". "Honestly I wouldn't even follow my own advice", I laughed. "Exactly, well I gotta go meet whatever Taylor is for breakfast so I'll see you later". "Have fun, and don't forget to ask him".

As she left I looked at my phone to see a text from Cameron.

Cameron- can we talk?

Talk about what?, was all I wondered. Hopefully he didn't gain the impression that I hadn't moved on or that he didn't or doesn't want to move on.

Me- yeah, where?

Cameron- My place

Me- when?

Cameron- anytime

Me- I'm leaving right now

Cameron- ok

When I got to the dorm, Nate opened the door looking really tired.

"Wake up sleepy head", I said running my hands through his undone hair. "I'm up. What are you doing here?". "Why do you think?". "Cameron". "Ding, ding, ding". "Your king awaits", he laughed.

When I knocked on Cameron's door it took less then 2 seconds for him to open it.

"Morning", I said. "Hey, so I think we need to talk". "About what?". "I wanted to apologize for the way I've been acting lately. I'm sorry for judging Bryce before I even met him, that was a dick move. I'm also sorry for accusing him of trying to get with you when you were drunk, you know him better then me and I shouldn't have accused him of it". "Cam-".

"I'm lastly sorry for trying to kiss you the other night. It was hard for me to get over you but now I'm over it". "You don't have to apologize. I leaned in to kiss you too and I shouldn't have been messing with your head like that". "So are we good?". "We're good".

Cameron's pov

I really wasn't sorry for everything I did. He is a dick, he was taking advantage of her when she was drunk, and I wasn't sorry for almost kissing her.

Kissing her wouldn't have been a big deal because I think I'm basically over her. But what she doesn't get is that I probably saved her from a lifetime of pain and guilt if Bryce was gonna do anything else with her drunk self. She only has eyes for Bryce and it's pissing me off because she ignores the guy she can trust the most, me.

At this point I've given up the fact that her and I will never be together and I'm really trying to move on. I'm not necessarily trying to move on with other people, i'm just moving on mentally and emotionally. Kat's a great girl and I'm sure she'll have no problem getting herself a great guy but all she does is pick the shitty self-absorbed guys.

When she left Christian came in to check up on me. "How are you doing cuz?". "Terrible". "I've noticed you and Kat are talking again". "Yeah about stupid Bryce". "Stop talking about her and Bryce then, talk about you and her and where you're at, at your so called "friendship".

"Honestly I don't even know wanna be friends with her anymore. She thinks I'm a liar and she believes the boy she literally just met". "Well you should give her a little more time. And it's pretty obvious that she thinks your still attractive and stuff because you really haven't changed since then" "well according to her I have"

"Well change that. Make her fall in love with you again" "she already told me that she doesn't wanna be with me" "well you have to make her want you" "how?" "Do everything you did before but this time it can be more public. You can go on low key dates and hang out in each other's room with the door locked and see if things happen" "I just don't know how she would agree to that if she's gonna have Bruce-" "Bryce" "whatever I don't give a damn. The point is He's gonna try to be around her all of the time" "well your just gonna have to do it when he's in class" "okay I guess I can try and make this work" "good now get that girl back"

I decided to walk to Kat's dorm to see if she wanted to get lunch. When I got to her dorm I saw Bryce leaving so I had to hide. Right as he left I went to go to her dorm when I felt a tug on my hoodie.

"What the hell do you think your doing" Bryce said. "Nothing I'm just coming to talk to Kat" "well go back to your dorm or something" "why?" "If you haven't noticed, Kat and I are a thing and I don't need her ex boyfriend ruining everything that we have. She told me what you told her and you really just can't move on can you?" "Dude she's my friend, what the problem with being friends with her?" "exes can't be friends with exes" "shut the hell up"

"The point is she wants me, not you, get over it" "I never even said I wanted her" "it's clear that you do" "listen you don't know me or that girl" "do you think I wanna know you either of you. You know why I want her and not you or your stupid ass roommates are gonna stop me" "fine whatever" I said walking away from him.

"Cam?" "Oh hi Kat, nice to see you here" "this is my dorm" "right, well see you later" I said walking away. "No wait" "okay" I said waiting while she went somewhere.

"Here" she said handing me my senior baseball sweatshirt. "Why are you giving me this?" "Well I thought since we aren't together anymore that you should have it back" "Kat I let you keep it" "it's okay, it should be special to you" "I really can't take this back. I gave it to someone I cared about and someone I still do care about"

"Cam, I just can't be that girl" "And I didn't say that. Why can't I care about you as a friend without you thinking I like you more than that? Do you think that the only reason we're friends is because I wanna be with you?" "No it's not like that at all" "well it seems like it is" I said walking away.

"Cam!" "What Kat?" "I'm sorry, even if you don't think I am" "Whatever" I said walking away as I heard her sigh.

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