Smiling through the sadness

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"Out on the field", our coach yelled as we were getting ready to start the bottom half of the 2nd inning.

I jogged over to second base as everyone started warming up.

After the ball was tossed to me a few times the umpire called balls in and the bottom half was about to start.

"No outs, plays to first base.", someone from the outfield yelled.

I got in ready position as the ball was about to be thrown. I took a deep breath as the pitcher pitched the ball. Luckily it was strike one for the batter.

I stood back in my ready position as the ball was once again pitched. This time the ball was hit to me fast and I accidentally let it get past me.

"Shit", I mumbled as the other team's crowd cheered for my mistake.

"Get your head in the game.", my coach clapped at me.

I got back into the ready position again and the girl hit it off the first pitch and hit it directly to me. I tossed it to second base where the shortstop was standing as she tossed it to first to make the double play. I felt much better after that because of my mistake.

The next ball was pitched and was hit up into the air for Ellie to catch so that's how we got out of the inning.

7th inning
This game has been the worst. I made 2 errors and have been hit-less, it couldn't get any worse.

The only good thing was that we were up 3-1. I was running out to the field until my coach stopped me.

"Kat, I'm gonna switch you out for Valarie at second base.", my coach said. As much as I wanted to scream and pout I didn't. I just sat down on the bench with all of the girls who barely play.

I watched my teammates finish the inning with no errors. I was happy for them but pissed off that I didn't play.

3 days later
We won all 3 of our games and I messed up in every single one. Part of me just thought I was nervous but the other part of me was thinking that I was overthinking. I was overthinking Cameron. He hasn't called me in about 5 days which concerns me, since he promised that he call everyday. I understand that he's busy with baseball and all but it only takes a second to call. Why didn't I call you might ask. Well I didn't because he was the one to promise me that he's call and he isn't fulfilling that promise.

I hopped off of the team bus with my headphones in and my head down. I didn't want anyone to see my baggy eyes from the night before waiting for Cameron to call or at least send a text.

As I was halfway to my door, Matt approached me.

"Hey, you look exhausted.", he said.

"That's because I am.", I said letting a yawn out

"Did you guys win?".

"Mhm. I didn't know softball could be this tiring. I just wanna sleep forever."

"You should since your eyes are a lot baggy.", he joked.

"Well I'll see you later.", I waved goodbye.

I suddenly had a random idea so I made my way to the boys' dorm. I unlocked the door with the key under the mat and went in. Yeah I'm breaking and entry but it's for a good cause.

I made my way to Cameron's room and when I got in I layed on his bed. I pulled the covers over my head and it smelled like the cologne he always wears. I layed my head on his pillow and it made me think of him. It was the best yet worst feeling in the world.

The change up (Sequel to the perfect season)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon