Seeing other guys?

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I woke up to the noise of a closet opening. I looked at the ceiling for a minute praying that it was Ellie who had awoken me. I had been severely disappointed when my eyes had seen Malia looking through my closet again.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?", Ellie jolted out of bed.

I closed my eyes immediately not wanting to get involved in the drama.

"I'm borrowing an outfit from Kat", she smiled as if she had actually bothered to ask me.

"Ok but next time knock. And don't get used to wearing her clothes either", Ellie mentioned as Malia left the room.

When Malia left I got out of bed.

"I saw that whole thing", I said getting up to see what she had taken from me.

"That girl is crazy", Ellie widened her eyes.

"She's not crazy, she's just very protective.", I mentioned trying to make the situation sound better.

"Yeah very protective of your boyfriend or whatever he is."

"I just think she's looking out for me", I lied trying not to blow the situation out of proportion.

"No honey she's not looking at you, she's looking at Cameron".

"And so what if she is? She has every right to go for him, he's single so it's not like he's just mine."

Everything I was saying was a lie. Being the nice person I am, I didn't want anyone to get hurt. I didn't even wanna call Malia out on taking my clothes without my permission.

"You want to date Cameron right? Because if you do you might want that bimbo to back off of him."

"Malia's a nice girl, I just think she's going through the process of rejection".

"Whatever, I didn't like her from the start".

"You don't like anyone El", I laughed.

"Well I like everyone in this dorm so far, except for Malia".

"Be nice, she might actually surprise you".

"Yeah yeah, be that good girl Kat", she rolled her eyes not buying into what I was saying.

"A beautiful day with a beautiful girl", Cameron said grabbing onto my hand.

"A beautiful day with a beautiful donut", I bit into it.

"I'm sorry about last night", he apologized truly meaning it.

"Just forget about what I said, it's cool, we're cool", I said brushing the topic off.

"What's up with Malia and why has she been wearing your clothes and using your makeup?".

"I don't know but she's getting a lot more attention from it".

"Do you like what she's wearing?", I questioned hoping that the answer would be no.

"Yeah, it's what you wear. She's wearing what you wore the day we first kissed".

"I don't even remember what I was wearing, how do you?".

"I remember important events", he glistened.

"Does she grab your attention?".

"What?", he asked in confusion.

"What she does. Does it grab your attention?".

"Yeah, she's pretty. She's stunning actually.", he said still thinking about it.

It kinda hurts that he said that about her. He has the right to call anyone he wants pretty but it hurt. I didn't show it or call him out on it but I could feel myself wanting to cry.

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