He raises his brow before just chuckling and shaking his head. Kyle's come to get used to my perverted jokes. In a way, it sucks. He used to blush like a madman when I'd so much as talk about a dick. Now he just tinges with color and laughs it off. Damn him and his adaptable capabilities...

"So on a serious note," I smile back at his laughter, "What's up?"

He stops chuckling and looks up at me again. "Iono," he shrugs. "I know that you won't leave the house today, so I decided that I should bring somewhat of a party to you."

"Ooh, a party for two?" I raise my brow. "Why, Mr. Broflovski, I didn't know that my fantasies would come true on such short notice," I poke his forehead.

He frowns and sighs. "Why do I do nice things for you? You just make it sound like I'm here to suck your dick or something."

"Well we'll let fate make that choice for us, hm?" I grin. Now that the idea's in my head, I can't really say that I hate it.

He scoffs, "Yeah. Sure. Whatever you say."


"Don't get excited, Romeo, I'm just here to chill and watch movies with you," he glares.

"Well that'll work for now I suppose," I stick my tongue out at him. He shakes his head, reaching down and grabbing the pizza box with the movies off the floor. He hands me all the DVDs and smiles again.

"Pick something," he states, grabbing the soda from the sill and walking over, setting the pizza on my bed and the soda on the floor. I look down at the movies in my hand and raise my brow.



"...These are horror movies."

"Nooo did names like 'Boogeyman' and 'Nightmare on Elm Street' give away my secret?" he scoffs.

"...Kyle, you hate scary movies."

"Yeah, but you love em," he shrugs. "I think I can handle them for one night, Jesus."

"Kyle you pushed your TV out of your room after we watched 'The Ring'," I remind him. "You wouldn't open your laptop for days."

"Shut up, that was like...two years ago."

"Try three months."

"Shut up!" he snaps. "Just pick a damn movie and I'll be fine," he drawls.

I sigh and shake my head. Damn kid's too fucking stubborn...I look at my options and hum in thought. "'Halloween'," I announce. putting the others on the floor. "It's not too scary and I can forewarn you before the actually scary parts."

"Kenny, I don't need you to hold my hand," he frowns.

I laugh, heading over to my small television and turning it on, kneeling down beside it. "Please, Kyle, don't lie," I state. "When we were watching 'Ring' you flipped shit and it took me three hours to stop you from hyperventilating. Admit it, you're a wimp."

He growls, sitting on my bed cross-legged and scowling, "Ken, shut the fuck up, I am not!"

"Lies, Kyle, lies," I chuckle. He snarls again and I just laugh, putting the DVD in the player and walking back over towards him and plopping down beside him on the bed. I grab the large stack of pillows Kevin and I use to separate the both of us on the bed and put them behind Kyle and I. We lean back and sigh contently together as the menu comes up on the screen. The trademarked music starts up and I can already feel Kyle tensing from his seat.


"I'm fine!" he says harshly.

"I was gonna ask for a soda, but now that you mention it...I can not start the movie and we can watch something else. I have some pornos stashed in my closet," I shrug.

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