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Craig's P.o.v
I'm sitting down at my usual lunch table with my friends; Token, Clyde and Tweek.

I glance over at 'Stan's Crew's' table and my eyes seem to linger on a certain Parka wearing Blonde.

I've liked him for Three years now, He's perfect. His beautiful blonde hair and light blue eyes >~<. His personality might be shit but mine is too.

"Ey, Craig, you mind not staring" Fatass's voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

"How about you mind your own business" I say monotonous.

"Why? So you can go back to staring at Kenneh" He teases

"Yes! Got a problem, you fat fuck!" I stood up

I felt something wrap around my waist. I looked down to find two arms covered in puffy orange fabric, a parka.

The only one in the school who wears an orange parka is.... Kenny!?

"I didn't know you liked me like that~" Kenny whispers, seductively.

"Well, I do" I say, Harshly biting my lip.

Kenny slid his hands down my chest, into my unzipped sweater and up the bottom of my shirt. My eyes widened as his cold hands slid up and down my chest, They widened even more as I felt him kiss my neck. I pant slightly.

"Get a room!!" Some random dude shouts.

"Okay" Kenny smirks, throwing me over his shoulder, Before walking out of the lunch room, Most likely heading towards the janitors closet.

"K-Kenny.....I love you" I stutter Quietly, looking into his eyes.

"I love you too, Craig" He smiles walking into the janitors closet.

Kenny puts me down and pulls me towards his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist and Smirks, smashing his lips on mine.

Idek.....So don't ask

Welp, Kyman is Next!!

Word count:

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