January 20, 2017

30 2 1

I had a dream where I was in this family type group (none of us were related) with about 6-8 people and one of them was tissen-Thompson (old teacher) and the other one was this HOT dude

and so there were these game kind of things where if your name got called out of the bowl you would have to go to this place that was kind of like the upside down from stranger things, and you would try to get out.

And so everyone in my group had gotten out before except me and of course then I got called so I kept asking HOT DUDE a bunch of questions and he told me all them answers and gave me tips, but there was also a surgery on my knees and elbows that I had to do where like a metal plate/screw would have to be put into me so I only did one knee and both arms?? that way I could run faster.

And so dude gets picked and he usually returns in a day or so but he doesn't come back for weeks :((( and so I go and do it (COMPLETELY SCARY, SHOOK THAT I DIDNT WAKE UP)

and when I walk out everyone is clapping and the rule is that ur supposed to put your name back in the bowl but I said hell no to that and kept my name in my hand tf !

So then when I walk out (idk how I did) I'm at a mall kind of thing and Yusef and seraj (siblings) are looking at a gun store so I go look at merch for Marina and The diamonds and then two girls dressed like harajuku girls (from the Rich Girl song) come in with guns and are headed to rob the gun store (yes I know) and then I check to see if bros are still in there and the store is closed ??

But like one of them pulled out a speech and the other held her gun like this was their first time shooting up the mall lol?

But so I find bros at the other side near the exit and tell them and Yusef is like oh I'm not leaving and tf? like ok dude stay idc and then I woke up but hopefully yusef died for not listening to me

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