January 18,2017

35 3 1

I had a dream where asa butterfield was in my class sitting in front of me, and I was like generally talking about math or something and then my friend was like "Noor can't wait to see The Space Between Us!" And i was like "yes!"

And asa was like oh ur gonna see it? And then was talking to me about the movie and I was so shook that I was actually talking to him bc he never spoke to me and also he's a freaking famous actor so like #sh00k

and so then it changed to some babysitting thing that I can't remember so fast forward through that.

and then a trip to an amusement park (it's the dream where there's that one really tall building ride broken) and so then we get a message, and on boat asa and I head to a small island nearby and the note on the island is like have fun trying to get out and the place is surrounded with crocodiles (kms) and so only one person can leave? If both leave then the crocs will eat us :)

And he's like oh u leave and I'm like oh no I can't leave u here ur gonna die and he's like idc leave and I'm like oh that's cute af but like I would never 4give myself

BUT THEN somehow i leave but like some girl takes his place??? Idk but at the end we're both alive so #winning! #datingg #celebrity

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