shopping cart fights

Start from the beginning

Keith stopped and grabbed frozen pizzas and next to them were the hot pockets. Lance was a bit behind him, grabbing lots of ice cream and other things that were in the frozen aisle.

"Do you like Hot Pockets?"

Lance practically yelled, "Hell yes I do!"

Lance next to Keith in an instant, telling him every good story he had about hot pockets. As Keith was listening, he could tell it was his comfort food.

The cart was filled to the top, slightly overflowing. It was full of everyone's favorites. Especially Keith's favorites. He had so many dairy products it was concerning.

Lance brought the cart to the cash register who made a face of like, 'really?' Lance nodded.

"Hey, Lance?"

"What's up?"

"Thank you."

Lance looked into Keith's eyes and he thought he flashed a moment of sadness.

"No problem." Lance looked at the cart and realized Keith's favorite wasn't in the cart. "Did you forget the whipped cream?"

Keith's eyes widened, "I'll be right back."


The total had come to $325.94 and luckily Lance had enough. Keith felt bad for letting him pay it all but all the money Keith made back when they were on earth had gone to the garrison tuition.

Lances Wallet sure did feel bad, not that Lance minded. His mom gave him all the allowances he had missed at once when he got back. He thought she might have felt that when it was supposed to go to one of her sons and that she couldn't keep it if he was back.

Lance and Keith hauled the groceries up the hill into the Blue Lion, just like it was completely normal. Something of a weekly routine.

Lance hopped in the shopping cart and grabbed Keith by the arm. "Hop in!"

"What? Are you insane?"


Keith scratched his neck,
"I don't know.... it's kinda squished in there and it doesn't seem safe..."

Lance raised an eyebrow.
"You jump into battles all the time. Are you saying that it's safer to fight enemies than to go down a hill in a shopping cart?"

Keith could hear the challenge in his voice and narrowed his eyes before jumping right in. It was a tight squeeze but doable.

Lance leaned forward and their weight took them down the hill before Keith could even brace himself.

They went barreling Down the Hill and Lance was screaming like he was on a rollercoaster. Keith didn't like the feeling but laughed along with Lance.

Soon nearing the bottom of the hill the cart hit a rock. Keith freaked out and leaned back, toppling the cart over.

"Ah quiznack," Lance grimaced. He looked to Keith, who was partially on top of him and expecting a foul expression on his face. Instead, Keith was awestruck and staring at Lance. He was smiling. Lance thought it was most likely from shock but was obviously wrong when once he snickered.

"Oh my god," Lance gawked. "Why are you laughing?!"

"That was so insanely stupid! We literally just pushed ourselves down a hill in a shopping cart and I only agreed because you challenged me!" Keith laughed again. He smacked his face across his own face.

Lance could not believe his eyes. There weren't even any fireflies! It was just Keith, being Keith. Classic . Did Keith not see all the stupider and dumber things he's done. Things that had actually risked his life?

"You know what's insanely stupid? You always run into battles! You have no boundaries about that sort of stuff," Lance huffed. Keith stopped laughing. "Keith please, stop doing that! It scares me. One day you'll be without me or Shiro or even Allura around and no one will be able to stop you!"

Keith was wide eyed and mouth slightly opened.
"What?" His face narrowed in anger. "Do you think I am trying to put myself in danger? What do you take me for? I am willing to take the risks, that's all! You are all so cautious and ready to run at any moment. If you listened to me Zarkon would already be dead."

"If we listened to you?" Lance climbed out from the cart, leaving Keith to look up at Lance from the cart. "You just don't understand. You are reckless Keith! This shopping cart thing you all crazy doesn't compare!
If we listened to you, we would be dead."


Last Day of School! For me at least.... I am currently flying to Puerto Rico and am on a plane as I write these final touches. I just "Graduated" from Middle School yesterday. I really hope you guys don't mind knowing I am actually really young. It's probably noticeable in my writing (hopefully not) I didn't want to tell people so early on in the story if that would make you want to stop reading. I wanted to be judged for my writing and not my age.

(Did you guys get the Fireflies by OwlCity reference?)

Anyway Thoughts about Season Three coming up? (questions from my friends, and Tumblr) (feel free to comment too!)


Q: What do you think of Canon blackPaladin!Keith? Did you want Lance as a black paladin?
A: Mehhh. I think I prefer Keith... Sorry! Overall I think the best person to run it would be Allura but you know, what do you do?
Q: are you excited for Matt coming back? Seeing Shiro and him together? Pidge and Matt reunion?
A: Yes, yes and Yes.
A: ....SOoOo hot. I really wanted to dislike like him but I'm in love.
Q: How excited are you for Season three?
A: I cannot wait! I'm planning to hang out with my friends on August 4th and watch it together!

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