chapter 35 😊

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Bree P.O.V  

So I woke back up around 11ish and went to check on Tyla and Tyrone they were just laying in their beds chilling so I went downstairs and checked on my little idiots lmao. Once I got back to the twins room I grabbed both of them and took them in the bathroom and started their bath water

"What're we doing today babies?" I asked taking their diapers off and adding their little bath toys into the tub. I put Tyla and Tyrone in. Tyla was just giggling in the tub. I washed her up took her out then did the same with Tyrone. 

I took them in their rooms and set them on their changing table and started getting them ready. Getting the twins ready and into the car without help is hard because Tyrone is chunky 

I dressed them in red shirts and black shorts.... extremely simple.  I put a little hair moisturizer in Tyrone's hair and put two little pony tails in Tyla's. 

I took them down in the living room and made their bottles. 

While they were occupied by the TV i took that opportunity to take a shower in the downstairs bathroom. I took a quick shower brushed my teeth washed my face and got dressed in some black Nike cotton shorts  a red tank top and some vans. 

It's hard getting Tyla and Tyrone together without Brayden's help especially since my other kids are still sleeping. 

Once I was all finished with my hair which I put up into a ponytail I grabbed my Louis backpack/ the kids diaper bag and threw my charger wallet and lipgloss in there . 

I put it on my back grabbed the twins then headed out the door after I grabbed a banana. I buckled them into their car seats and hopped in and started our way to the mall on the way there my phone rang and it was Brayden 

Phone Convo------


they went through the whole enter your credit card number stuff and we were connected 


"Hey babe" 

"Hey wyd?"

"Nothing headed to the mall with Tyla & Tyrone" 

"You got that thang witchu?" he asked 

Lord I love being with him

"Of course, I dont leave without it"

"Is it hungry?" 

"Nah baby full clip" 

"That's my girl, what yall getting into once y'all leave the mall?" 

"Nothing, going home I gotta clean from last night, hopefully your kids clean for me" 

"Yeah good joke Ma but aye I gotta go ima call you if we get calls again tonight aight?" 

"okay I love you" 

"I love you too Ma" 

and with that the call ended I looked back as i stopped at a red light and Tyla was chewing on her she just slobbing.. 

"Hi Fat Momma's" she just smiled extra hard showing all her gums lol. 

We finally got to the mall and our first stop was Children's Place. I dont care how much money we have... My kids are going to wear clothes from regular stores. 

The twins were walking so I let them lead the way. 

I got them a few outfits from there then we headed to the Louis store, I need to get Brayden some stuff for when he comes home. 

A Thug's BabiesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora