Chapter 12: Starring In Starsparrow

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The truth was that Ray was jealous. Out of jealousy, he threw a prop at Nelson, which hit him on his head, stopping him from continuing on the act of the kiss. "Ow! Ray!"

"Sorry, my bad." Ray sweat dropped.

"Well, stop interrupting me and Violet making the last scene of the movie! If you don't stop, I'll kick you out and replace you. Got that?"

Ray shrugged and turned his back towards him. "Fine. And if anyone needs me, I'll be outside of the studio, taking a break." He said, before leaving.

"Ray! Hold up!" Yuma chased after his best friend.

Violet was confused by all of this. I wonder why Ray is mad? And why he's acting like that?

"He must be mad about something if he had the guts to do those things." Anna said.

"Well, who knows?" Tori said.

Starsparrow didn't kiss Silvia on her lips, but on both of her cheeks.


The gang were sitting in the movie theater and watched the movie that they had just finished acting in. The Starsparrow movie turned out to be a total success. Everyone else was talking about how good the movie was..except for Ray, who left early to go straight home. He was still mad about that whole scene from earlier.

Outside of the movie theater, was a table that Nelson was at in his full costume, autographing movie posters while people were waiting in line. There were fenced barricades around the area so that people wouldn't go over to the actors into a crowded frenzy. But, apparently when Yuma and his friends got out of the theatre, there were a lot of fans squealing in excitement and acting all crazy. "There they are! The main characters that were in the Starsparrow movie!"

Yuma and the others sweat dropped, with all of the attention that they had. They were escorted by some body guards. Except for one person...Violet. She wasn't escorted because a swarm of fan boys got through the barricades and ran to her. "Look! It's Silvia from Starsparrow!"

"She's so cute!" A fan boy grabbed her by her hand. Violet sweat dropped, not knowing what to do in this type of situation. She let go of his hand. "Get lost!" She ran away but she was cornered by them and most of them were tugging her like a rope in Tug-A-War, by pulling each hand of her's from the opposite direction. "LET GO OF ME! SOMEONE HELP ME!"

"Oh no! Violet is surrounded by them! We have to help her--" A bodyguard stopped Tori from moving any further. "I'm sorry, I can't let you. It's too dangerous and crowded. And I have to escort you guys, safely. So..."

"But she.." Tori felt bad that she couldn't help her friend. "Is my friend--"

Ray was walking by and he saw what was happening. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" He pushed most of the males out of the way. He then picked up Violet and ran away with her in his arms.

"I think that's her boyfriend," A boy said, seeing him run away.

"Then let's..." Said another boy. "GET HIM!" The group of boys had flames in their eyes and ran after Ray.

Ray Shadows saw that they were behind him. "OH NO! They're following us!"

"Just keep running!" Violet Flowers encouraged him to keep on going. Ray did as she said, then he put her down. He panted. "That was close."

"Thank you, Ray," Violet said. "For coming to my rescue."

"You're welcome." Ray smiled at her. The two of them hid behind a tree. The orange-haired boy then kneeled down to her and went close up to her, looking at her face. Violet turned red and blushed, because he was really close to her. What is he looking at? Do I have something on my face? 

Ray then got up and gave her some personal space. "I'm sorry, I was checking to see if any of those guys hurt you. You seem okay since you have no scratches on your face."

"Uh.." Violet sweat dropped. "Thanks for checking. I'm just fine."

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"Yeah, sure. I could use some safety about now..after what happened back there." Violet began taking a stroll.

These are the only ideas i have for now. I need some normal ideas for chapters because I keep getting writer's block (and I don't remember that much stuff about ZEXAL). I do have some ideas but they have romance in them..and..I want to save that stuff for later😋😏

Maybe..I'll get ideas later? I just need to search for them😅

This story will be short because it's hard for me to get so many ideas for chapters. And I'll make more YuGiOh fanfictions in the future.. It's just a bit difficult when you're still writing a series of MLP Equestria Girls fanfictions in the process.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL: Heartland Academy [Yu-Gi-Oh Watty Awards 2019]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang