Chapter XXXIV (Annabeth)

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They were so close to the protection of the reef. So close to its jagged edge. If only they had just one last advantage, one final gust of wind or push of the water that would've gotten them across the line. The reef was right there. And that ended up being their downfall.

Nobody aboard the Blackjack saw it coming. Not even Annabeth, her lack of alertness costing them dearly. By the time she had caught onto the plan of The Andromeda it was far too late.

"Keep your positions! Shields! Archers! Fire!"

Commands streamed from Annabeth's mouth without a moment's hesitation. Most of the crew stood ready behind their own shields, warding off enemy arrows. Nico and Piper protected Frank and Will as the two bowmen returned fire with deadly precision. But it wasn't enough. They were still approaching. And the speed with which they were heading towards them concerned Annabeth the most. They weren't slowing down.

Annabeth's next breath caught in her throat. They're going to ram us.


A split second later and she would've lost more than half the crew overboard. Everyone grabbed desperately for the closest secured object - ropes, rails, people - just before the bone jarring impact two ships colliding threw them off. Teeth rattled and eardrums burst as the ear-splitting cracking of the Blackjack's keel tore open. Those closest to the rails frantically fell backwards as the collided side of the boat snapped inwards. Her crew raised their shields to fend off the razor debris flying past them. Some bounced off of their defence, other pieces embedded themselves within the wood and metal. The unlucky few of them felt the debris slicing past exposed areas of skin.

Annabeth was one of them. She cried out as a particularly large, pointed piece of wood scrapped across her thigh, opening a wound that bled freely against her pants and onto the floor. But she hadn't fully processed the injury to care.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it.

The Andromeda's momentum pushed their own ship back, slamming sideways into the jagged coral and rocks of the reef making up their rear. Even this collision would be enough to cause damage to the keel. Not to mention, the second impact threw most of her crew off guard, more than a few stumbling and being left open for any opposing attack.

As the blow of The Andromeda against the Blackjack wore off, she was already back in command.

"Will, Frank, keep firing!" She dodged an arrow. "Beckendorf, Leo, take care of the damage below! Buy us some time!"

The war cries of the Titan Army were at its max, and Annabeth had no clue whether her own crew had heard her. The fact that Will and Frank had their bows out, and the sons of Hephaestus weren't insight reassured her.

Annabeth descended the quarter deck stairs and grabbed the closest person, who happened to be Silena. The girl's hair was in disarray, and her eyes held nothing but fear. Fortunately she still clutched a dagger in her hand, though her shield was missing. When Annabeth grabbed her arm the daughter of Aphrodite jumped.

"Silena," Annabeth shouted above the roar, "prepare the lifeboats!"

The girl nodded and scurried off.

By now, the daughter of Athena had enough time to analyse her surroundings better. Will and Frank were still firing, and the rest of them were in fighting stances, not advancing, but keeping their positions as told. What Annabeth feared most was the Blackjack's damage. Even now, the ship felt heavier with each passing moment. And, fraction by fraction, she could tell it was sinking. They had to get out of there. Right now.

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