Chapter 21

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Charlie's P.O.V.

It has been a week since I kissed Amber and she is acting like nothing happened at all. I don't know why. Does she not like me. Maybe I should go ask Anabell.

Speaking of Anabell, she is getting worse. I feel so awful but I know there is nothing I can do. Everyone says that it will be ok but they know nothing. It won't be ok! My twin sister is dying and they're just saying it is no big deal.

Ok, back to Amber. I have to figure out what to do. I guess talking to Anabell would be the best considering they are best friends. I garuentee that Amber already told her about the whole kissing scene. It is worth a try, though.

I walk into Anabell's room to find her in bed with her laptop open. She was Skype-ing Daniel. Once I see this I try to back slowly out of the room so I don't interupt but Anabell turns around and looks at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interupt. I was just leaving," I said.

She replies, "No, it's ok. Daniel has to go anyway. Stay."

So she says goodbye to Daniel, logs off and turns her whole attention to me. "What's up, Charlie."

"Well, I need to talk to you about something. More importantly someone."

Taking the hint she said, "Is this Amber."

"Yes," I said.

"Ok, shoot."

Oh wow this is really dificult. I don't know how to explain to my sister that I like her best friend.

"So," I start. "I like Amber."

"Duh, I already knew that."

Oh you got to love Anabell and her witty combacks.

"Well, fine. She probably already told you this but I kissed her last week. But now she is acting like it never happened. I want to talk to her about it but now I am afriad she will just blow me off and tell me that it never happened so I will forget her. I am not sure what to do. Back when we lived in New Jersey I was sort of like a player. I had all the girls and I never really had a girlfriend. But I really like Amber and I would like to try to be more than Amber's friend. I just don't know what to do. I figured you were her best friend you must know something. Your ok with this arn't you? I probably should have asked before hand. Then you might be more ok with the idea and we could talk and I am just babbling now aren't I?"

"Yes you are," Anabell replied. "But yes, I am ok with this. Its actually kinda cute. My little love stuck brother--"

"Hey, I am older by a minute," I said cutting her off.

"Fine my big love stuck brother. Better," she retorted.

I gave her a fake smile.

"Anyway, if you really like Amber that much, go after her," she continued. "I can't garentee she will be open to the idea of a new boyfriend right after her breakup with Lucas but I know for a fact that somewhere in that girl there is a spot for you. The worst that can happen is she turns your offer down and it is slightly awkward in your friendship, but in a week or two that will pass."

"You really think so," I questioned.

'I know so. And you can do it today and she should be hear right about--"

She was cut off by the sound of our doorbell.

"She is all yours, Charlie. I'll wait in hear for her when you guys are done, but remember she is my friend too so don't get all possesive," she told me.

I smiled and hugged my sister then left the room to get the door. When I opened it Amber was there standing in a very cute sundress. She is adorable.

"Hey Charlie, what's up?" she asked.

"Nothing much. But come here I want to show you something," I say taking her hand.

I lead her up to my room which is only two doors away from Anabell's. When we pass Anabell's door Amber said, "I am actually supposed to meet with Anabell."

"Your fine. This will only take a couple of minutes."

We reach my room and pull her in. When she is far enough in I close the door and lock it. Then I push her up against it and put my arms on both sides of her head so she can't run. "We need to talk," I say, my face only inches from hers.

She looks a little worried but replies, "About...."

"I think you know. So, why have you been acting like I never kissed you? Why do you keep walking away when we are alone or when I try to talk to you? Am I that repulsive?"

"No," was her great answer.

"Then why?" I ask again.

She doesn't really reply at first, looking anywhere but at me. Finally she says, "Can you move out of the way?"

"Not until you answer my questions."

"Fine," she huffs, "I did it becuase Anabell told me too. When I went to talk to her about the whole breakup and kiss thing, I told her that I kind of liked you but I didn't know what to do. And I told her I was confused as to why you kissed me. She told me to play it off as it never happened because if it was just spur of the moment kind of thing you would forget it ever happened. If you truly liked me than it would bug you that I acted like that and you would do something like what you are now."

I took a little while to process what she just said. She did it to see if I truly liked her. "Oh," was all I said.

"Oh," she mocked. "OH, that's all you have to say."

"No, um well now that your here I wanted to ask you something important."

"Like...." she draws on.

"Like," I mimmick her. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

She looks taken back at my question. She just stares back at me, not saying a word. Finally when the silence gets too hard to bear I say, " I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that. You just broke up with Lucas and you need your space. I am sorry."

"No," she quickly interjects.

I give her a puzzling look saying "N--"

"No I mean no as in I don't need space. Lucas was a jackass. I didn't mean that as the answer to your question. I want to say yes but I don't know how but now that I said yes you know and I am probably just rambling now. So..."

But I got the answer that I wanted. I lifted Amber off her feet and swung her around. When I safely returned her feet to the floor, I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. Then leaning in I kissed her lightly on the lips. I was happy. I finally had Amber Philmore as my girlfriend.

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