Chapter 18

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Tammy's P.O.V.

It had been a week since Charlie and I have moved in with the Phillips. After thinking about it, I realized that I had to make the call. For Charlie's sake.

Getting settled in my new room, I thought to myself, "Why did I come with Charlie. I could have stayed with the Philmore's and let Charlie come here."

I started putting my clothes in my wardrobe when Mr. Phillips came in.

"Are you getting settled in?" he asked.

I replied, "Yep, perfectly. Thanks again for letting us stay here."

"You can stop saying thanks, Tammy. Its been a week already."

"Just common courtesy," I said.

He then turned with a smile and walked out the door. I had a hard time being with him alone. It reminded me of the old days. It scared me that things would go back to the way they used to be. Where we were always fighting. Even with the kids older, who knew what could happen.

But I guess we would cross that bridge when we came to it.


Charlie's P.O.V.

 Anabell and I were sitting in my new room, talking.

"I'm still surprise your mom, I mean mom, let you move in here," Anabell said.

She told me she was trying to get in the habit of calling Tammy, mom.

"Me too, but I get the feeling it scares her to be over here," I replied.

"Yeah, every time dad walks in the room she kind of tenses up a bit."

"I see that,"  Istated.

"So...*cough*," Anabell said. "How are you... *cough*... How are you liking school?"

Looking at Anabell with a hesitant look, I said, "It's different but I like it. I like your friends too."

"They seem to like... *cough*... like you too."

"Are you ok, Anabell..."  I asked with worry.

"I'm fine... *cough*" Anabell said, but it was barely audibly.

Suddenly, Anabell was coughing uncontrollably. She threw up on the floor and all I could see was red. Anabell was throwing up blood.

"C-h-a-r-l-i-e, help...." she wheezed out, in between throwing up.

Breathing heavily, Anabell laid on the floor. She rolled over and threw up what was left in her mixed with blood.

"No!!!!!!!!!"  I screamed.

I ran from the room, "DAD! MOM! MICHAEL! MOLLY! ANYONE!"

Mr. Phillips came into the hallway, "Charlie, stop screaming! We are in the house."

"No, its Anabell. Help. She throwing up and cant brea--"

But I didn't get to finish. Dad was already down the hall. He burst into my room to see Anabell laying in her own blood.

He threw his cell at me and said, "Call 9-1-1, NOW!"

With shaking hands, I dialed those three numbers and put the phone to my ears.

"... 9-1-1. What's your emergency?" the other line said.

"It's my sister. She is throwing up blood and can't breathe. Please, help."

"Sir, calm down. Tell me what is going on. Help is on the way right now."

"Ok... I'm calm... I'm calm..." I was now talking with a steadier voice. "My sister Anabell. She has leukemia. She is throwing up blood and cannot breathe. What do we do?"

"Remain calm. Can you give me an address?"

"2056 S. Candle Ave. in Riverbridge. 97101"

"Ok, we have sent help. Stay on the line with us. Keep a watch on your sister. Is anyone there with you?"

"My mom and dad are here, too."

Right then mom walked in the room.

"Charlie, what is with all the screami... Anabell!" mom screamed, running over and kneeling next to Anabell and dad.

"She needs help, its her medicine," Mr. Phillips said, now crying. "They told me this was probably going to happen and I begged them not to take her off of chemo but they wouldn't listen."

"What do you mean 'they'," my mom asked.

"The doctors. It means th--"

But Mr. Phillips was cut off by Anabell, "It means... *wheeze* that I'm *wheeze* dying. I love *wheeze* you all--"

"Don't talk like that," mom said, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm only saying *wheeze* the truth. I know I *wheeze* just met you, but your the best *wheeze* mom ever. Dad. I love you so *wheeze* much. Never forget that."

"I would never forget that, baby," Mr. Phillips barely said.

"And Charlie," the minute she said my name, I forgot the 9-1-1 call and knelt next to her. "Your the best most awesome *wheeze* twin brother ever. I love *wheeze* you more than you can ever *wheeze* imagine."

Molly and Michael had now entered the room and were witnessing what was happening with silent tears slowly running down their cheeks.

"And you two *wheeze*. Your the greatest twin siblings ever. I *wheeze* love you so much," she said.

Just then the ambulance could be heard in the neighborhood. The paramedics came to the door. Molly and Michael ran to answer the door and showed the way to my room.

They took Anabell on the stretcher and asked if anyone wanted to ride in the ambulance. Mr. Phillips told them that they would meet her at the hospital. We had to be alone.

After the ambulance left, I hung up the phone and handed it to my dad. Everyone got into a group hug and cried until they could cry no more. Then we all gathered into the car and rode to the hospital to meet Anabell.

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