Chapter 12

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Driving to school on Monday, my dad decided to go early so he could talk to the principal. I was wearing the dress and hat, along with my black converse. I had almost forgot to ask my dad about the date on Friday. I decided it was best to bring it up on the ride there. He had dropped Molly and Michael at kindergarten and it was just the two of us. I started off easy. "Hey, dad. We get Friday off this week. Did you know?"

"Oh, yeah. I had forgotten about that. Do you have plans?"

"Well, that depends on if you allow me to make those plans."

"And what did those plans involve," he asked, suspiciously.

"Well, I was going to go on a date with Daniel," I said as fast as possible.

"What time and where?"

"We hadn't figured that out yet. We were waiting for our parents to say it was ok."

"If he can't drive, how is that going to work?"

"He can drive, mind you, but is it ok?"

"Well, be safe and tell me what's happening, then sure."

Walking into the school together, we went to the office. We were sent with the principal, who went to each one of my classes and talked with the teacher. The final result was that I had to make up the homework that was missed. I had as much time as I needed but, they wanted it back as soon as possible. Since I got a lot of my homework while I was in the hospital, I only had a week and a half of homework to make up. So far, my grades hadn't suffered that much. With the make-up work I was doing, they would be just fine.

After my dad had left, I stopped by my locker. I had just got it open when someone put their arms around my back. Knowing who it was, I turned around and gave him quick peck on the lips. About a second later, I heard a familiar voice say, "Get a room."

"Amber, your just jealous that its not you and Lucas," I said, then quickly regretted it. I had forgotten that Daniel didn't know. On top of that, Lucas was Daniel's best friend. "Oops!"

Right then, Daniel replied shocked. "You like Lucas! Lucas Gabriel! That's news!"

Both Amber and I spoke in unison, "Shut up!"

"Wow, some people are cranky."

Amber replied sourly, "When you scream to the world who I like, I get cranky. Deal with it. It's your fault."

"Sorry, have you talked to him yet?"

Now I responded, "No, she's a big chicken. She won't even go near him. In the halls, she will go out of her way to avoid him."

"Don't judge me," Amber said defensively.

"Oh, I'm judging you," I replied.

An angry Amber walked off, not caring that I the same first class as her.

Turning to face Daniel, I said, "We should do something to get them together. They would make a cute couple."

"I know, and I'm glad that Amber likes him because he has been asking about her since we got together, going on and on about how he wants a girlfriend and that Amber would be perfect," Daniel said relieved. Then he quickly added, "But you didn't hear that from me."

"Wait, Lucas likes Amber too. Did not see that coming."

"The problem is, he is as big of a chicken as Amber is."

Then I got an idea, "Ok here is what I want you to do..."


The FightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora