Chapter 13

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Anabell's P.O.V.

Sitting at the lunch table with Amber and Lucas, I thought of an idea. I was going to talk to Daniel about their date on Friday but now that Lucas and Amber were getting close, why not make it a double date. Leaning over to talk to Daniel, I said, "So, I asked my dad about the date on Friday and he said it was ok. But I have to give him the details. Oh, and since you have a curfew of when you can drive it probably has to be in the day. "

"Yeah, I was thinking that. And my parents gave me permission. Well, my dad did. My mom still doesn't like the idea of me with a girl. Can you blame her. This," he said referring to his body, "doesn't just come every day, now."

"I think someone is a little full of himself. "

"Its a package deal. You get me and my conceited side," he said smiling.

Going back to their topic, I said, "Ok, so do you have plans for this date?"

"Well, I was thinking about picking you up around 1 o'clock. We could can go on that surprise date for about two hours. After that we would probably go home."

"That sounds good. I have a question though, but if you don't like it, feel free to say no," I said honestly.

"Ok, what's your question."

"Well, you know how Amber and Lucas are getting to know each other."

"Yeah..." Daniel replied, not really knowing where I was going with this.

"I was thinking that on Friday we could all go a double date. But since it's our first date, it's ok if your don't want to do that. I will understand," I said seriously.

Daniel replied happily, "That sounds like a great idea!"

"Now all we got to do is get Lucas and Amber to agree with it."

So I turned to face the two. I told them my idea and they weren't as happy with it. "I don't know, Anabell." Amber said cautiously.

"Yeah," Lucas replied. "I don't know if I really want to."

"Oh, come on guys. It will be fun and it's not like your going alone. Please," I begged.

Amber and Lucas gave each other questioning looks, then Amber said, "Fine, but you HAVE to keep me company."

"Hey," Lucas said offended.

Amber smirked.

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I was walking to my next class when Amber stopped me and said, "Don't tell anyone about me and Lucas. Not right now because it's nothing official about us."

Smiling I walked off. I could hear Amber screaming my name but I ignored her. I wouldn't tell anyone but that doesn't mean I couldn't drop hints. It's not my fault if someone figures it out for themselves.


My last class of the day was art. It was the one and only class I didn't take with Amber. Unlike me, Amber wasn't artistic. Instead she took drama. Since it was the last class we didn't worry about timing to meet up at our lockers.

Arriving at my table spot, I took out my pottery and got to work. Half way through the class I leaned over to my table buddy, and said, "Did you hear about Amber."

"What! No! What happened," Jasmine said eagerly. She is a beautiful girl with straight brown hair. Her face was flawless and she looked as if she could be a model.

I replied, "Oh, nothing. I just heard she getting closer to someone. But that's just what I have been hearing."

"I wonder who the lucky person is," she said smiling.

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