Chapter 8

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Anabell"s P.O.V.

"Wow," I thought. "I've never had a boyfriend before. Now that I think about it, Daniel gave me my first kiss too."

To me, my first kiss meant nothing. Unlike all those girls out there who wanted it to be the greatest and most special thing ever, I could care less. It really wasn't worth it to get all hopeful.

Checking out of the hospital, my dad and two siblings were right there to pick me up. I couldn't wait to leave this place. Granted, they took great care of me, but it wasn't home. Home was with my family. The family that actually wanted me around; unlike Farter.

Getting in the passenger of my father's black Mercedes, I almost jumped for joy. "I can't believe I get to see you, let alone live with you!"

"Calm down, now. We don't need you back in the hospital for a hole in your arm now, do we," Mr. Phillips said, moving my arm away from the sharp point of metal next to his seat.

"I just can't believe this is really happening. I even get to hang out with you two," I said messing up both Molly and Michael's hair.

"What should we do on your first day from the hospital," our dad asked.

"Oh, daddy, can we go mini golfing? Please! Please! Please!" Molly asked anxiously.

"Yeah, yeah," Michael said agreeing with his sister.

My father looked expectantly at me.

"I would love to do that. I haven't been mini golfing since the last time YOU took me." I replied happily.

"Mini golfing it is," my father said.

An hour and a half later, we had played a full round of mini golfing. We were in the car looking for a place to eat.

"Where would be a good place to eat, guys?" Mr. Phillips asked his three children.

"Anywhere that has better food than a hospital," I instantly said.

"How about we eat at Pizza Hut," Molly suggested.

"I'm in," Michael said.

"Me two," I agreed.

"Then pizza is what we shall have," my dad said, turning into the parking lot.

After eating the delicious pizza we headed off to the house. When we had arrived, I was shocked to see how big it was. My old house had never been this big, even before the divorce.

"This is it. I know what your thinking; 'What a huge house,' but really we fill it well. And this way, all three of you can have your own room." dad had said to me. "Let's give you the tour and show you where your room is."

The tour was amazing. I saw my dad's huge master bedroom, the office, the family room, the theatre, both of the twins room, the kitchen, the backyard, the library, the game room and last but not least, my own room.

It was a medium sized room no bed. It had no curtains in it and the walls were completely white. The closet was walk in and could hold more things in it than I owned. Off the the right was a door that led to my own bathroom. Yay! I don't have to share a family bathroom with Farter anymore. There was a shower and sink with a full wall mirror. The colors were a mix between blue and purple. Looking out my picture window, I was enjoying the view. It was near a beautiful lake that went on for miles. The sun was setting and it was amazing, reflecting off the water. my dad broke my train of thought by saying, "I know everything is so plain and bare, but I didn't know what you like and I wanted you to be happy, so tomorrow we will go out and buy paint and other things for your new room, ok?"

"Really! I get to design my own room?" I said excitingly.

"Yeah, you do! And until you do, you can stay in Molly's room."

"Ok," I said, picking up my bag and bringing it to Molly's room across the hall. When I got there, Molly told me that I could have the top of her bunk bed. Taking a shower in my own bathroom and enjoying the view from my window, I actually felt happy. I walked to my father's office and knocked twice on the door. His answer came immediately. "Come in." Seeing me, he said, "How's my little bell liking her new home?"

"It's amazing, dad. I'm in love with it. Especially that view from my room, but I wanted to ask you something."

"Ok. Your welcome to ask me anything. Is it about a boy?" my father said getting a little protective.

"What? No! I was going to ask you if we could stop and my mom's house to pick up some of the stuff from there."

"Oh, yeah. Of course. I think your mother was expecting us to do that anyway. So no boy. What about that guy you were telling me about? What was his name again? Let's see... Daniel!"

"Dad!" I said blushing.

"See your blushing. Something is going on. Come on, tell your old man." he said jokingly.

"There's nothing to--" I started but was cut off.

"Your lying. I know because your face is a tomato. I won't make fun of you. Does he like you? Are you dating?"

"..." I said nothing.

"You are! Wow! That's a total twist from what I heard. Have you kissed?"

"Maybe..." I replied, knowing my face was turning even redder by the second.

"Aww, by little bell got her first kiss. He better treat you right!" he said sternly.

"Dad!" But I couldn't finish because right then, Molly and Michael walked into the room.

"Anabell's kissed a guy. On the lips. Ewwww!" Molly said.

"Girl cooties!" Michael responded.

Laughing, I said, "Yeah, just keep thinking like that. It's good for you."

With that we all left the office and headed to bed. Lying down and starring at the ceiling, I thought, "I am definitely going to love it here. I'm finally at home." Then I drifted off to sleep.

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