Chapter 23

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Daniel's P.O.V.

Standing outside right now, I couldn't help the tears that were spilling out of my eyes. We were standing in the Riverbridge Cemetery listening to the priest say last rites over Anabell. It is one of those typical funerals you see in the movies. The sky is gray and gloomy. It is down pouring. Basically it is a mess of black and family tears.

I miss her so much. It has been a week since she passed away and I spent the whole time locked up in my room. I know my parents are extremely worried about me, but they have no idea how hard it is to lose someone that close. Of course they have had distant relatives die, but nothing like a girlfriend or boyfriend.  Not even their parents have passed away yet. And the worst part about them is they never took time off of work to meet her. I asked them. They always had one thing or another.

Charlie, Amber, and I have not gone to school for the past week. I know that school has heard all about Anabell's death. It was probably the topic of that Monday they went back. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if half of them didn't care because no one ever paid attention to Anabell. Their loss. 

After the priest finishes, they close and lower the casket into the ground and bury her. That is the last time I will ever get to see Anabell's face. Once the burial was done, I take off running. I don't care where I go or what happens, I just want to run. I can hear in the background my parents yelling my name and Anabell's family members' eyes on me. I know they feel awful me, but most of them were never this close to her. 

Once I finally stop running I find myself in a forest. It will probably take me forever to get out of here but screw it. I don't care if I'm lost.  So this is how I end up sitting on the ground in the middle of the forest, crying for anything and everything. I am not one to come to tears, but I finally gave in and just released everything I have been holding back for the 15 years I have been in this world.


About an hour after I had sat down in the forest I hear a branch snap behind me. Instinct takes over and in a millisecond I am off the ground and ready to attack what is behind me. But when I turn around Charlie is standing there. I turn back around and sit down again. I really am not in the mood to talk. Apparently Charlie doesn't feel the same way.

"Are you ok," he asks.

"What the hell do you think."

He doesn't speak for a while but when he does it is not exactly what I expect to hear. "She loved you, Daniel. You probably knew that already, but maybe you just needed to hear it. I know you miss her. Hell, I just found out I have a twin sister and now she is gone, but that doesn't mean you should give up on life. If I knew my sister at all, that is not what she would have wanted. You can keep thinking that there is nothing left for you but I guarantee you will find something. I don't mean for you to forget Anabell, not at all, but there is a difference between missing her and not moving on in life because she is gone. But I promise you, PROMISE YOU, that whatever you do with your life Anabell will be there for you. Whether it is to knock some sense into you or help you on your way, she will always be with you."

I don't say anything back. I just think. Think about what Charlie said. Think about the amazing girl Anabell was and the memories we shared. I stare straight forward and think.

Time passes and Charlie gets up, brushes himself off and says, "I'll tell your parents that you are ok, but promise me you will go home before it gets too late."

"Ok I will," I answer.

Then Charlie just walks away.

I don't know how long I am out after Charlie left but I do what I said I would and go home when the sun goes down. On the way home I watch the sun slowly descend in the sky and picture Anabell here, holding my hand in one of hers and her shoes in the other. Those are two of Anabell's favorite things: sunsets and walking barefoot outside. I miss her, alot, but Charlie is right. I can't let grief take over my life. That will kill me and everyone else around me. So I am going to try to move on. For myself and for Anabell. I owe her that much. 

Once I make it to my house I call Charlie to let him know that I made it home. I go and find my parents and even before they even ask me I say, "I'm ok. I promise."

With that I leave the room and go take a hot shower. I let the water run down my back, feeling the pain, sorrow, and pressure go with it down the drain. I loved Anabell, with all my heart and most people would say at fifteen I don't know what love is, but they have it wrong. I will never forget her and a little part of me will always wish things had turned out differently but I know what the best thing for the both of us is. 

Stepping out of the shower I get dressed and fall onto my bed. Tonight, I fall asleep thinking that Anabell is in a better place and that she will never ever leave me stranded alone.


Three days later Amber, Charlie, and I walk into school for the first time in a week and a half. People turn to us giving us weird and pitying looks but I'm ok with that because they don't know what I know. They think that I need comfort and help but I am fine. I know how to move on because Anabell is always with me.

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