Chapter 4

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Daniel's Thoughts

Its hard to believe something like this would happen to Anabell. Part of me thinks I was the one who caused it even though that's not possible. I am so mad at myself for those years I spent making her hate me instead of getting to know her. I know for a fact that she thinks I am a good-for-nothing ass and I doubt that will ever change. If only I could change time. Get her to see the real me.


Anabell's P.O.V.

It has been two weeks since Amber and Daniel had come to visit. I knew Amber was to weak to face me after what I had said. The distress on my face was starting to worry the doctors. This was no way for me to recover.

It was a rainy Friday afternoon and I knew I had to do something to get Amber to just forget about what was happening. I asked the nurse for a piece of paper and wrote a letter to Amber. It read:

Dear my bestie Amber(A.K.A: Captain Black),

I miss you so much. I would love it if you would come and visit me. It gets so lonely when there is no one here. My mom can't visit but I am sure, you of all people, can figure out why. Oh, have I told you my dad was here about a month ago. It was so great. He even brought Molly and Michael. But he had to head back home so I never get to see him. My last hope is you. Please please visit your bestest friend before I go crazy of boredom. Ha ha. I miss you lots.

I'm sorry I made you feel so bad. I know you will never forget what is happening but maybe you can put that thought away and come spend time with me. Just like it used to be. Laughing at dumb jokes and our very messed up families. There is nothing I would like more than to see you. It would be great if you came again. I loved catching up and learning some NEW secrets: HINT HINT. And if you want to, you can even bring that lover boy. (Just so were clear, that nickname stays between the two of us!) So what do you say? Come visit and I'll love you like the twin I always wanted. Oh, wait. I already do love you like that, so... I miss you and I could really use you here.

Love you forever twinzy,

Captain Blue

Folding the letter in two, I put it on the table beside me. I intended to give it to the nurse the next time she came in.

Speaking of the nurse, at that exact moment, she stuck her head in the doorway saying I had a visitor. I accepted, happy to see that Daniel walked through the door. He may not be the first person I  want to see but at least I had a visitor.

I spoke my question as soon as he was in the door. "Is Amber with you," I said looking at the door, expecting my best friend to walk in at any moment.

He replied very sadly,"No. Amber hasn't really said much to anyone since the day we were here."

"Did she tell you everything that went on in here," I said very cautiously.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. But I did bring you these."

Daniel pulled a get-well-soon and a box of German chocolates out from behind his back. GERMAN CHOCOLATE! How did he know it was my favorite food? Well, I guess that would be the stockerish part of having a crush on someone.

"Oh my God, You're amazing," I said grabbing the chocolates out of Daniel's hand and opening them up to eat them.

"Glad to know you like them," he replied, placing the card right next to my letter to Amber. He picked it up, starting to open it up saying, "What's this?"

Grabbing the paper before Daniel had a chance to read anything, I told him,"Oh, it's just something I wrote to Amber. But its kind of private so I would like it if you would stop going through my stuff."

"Sorry." he replied shortly.

"So what's happening at school? Anything new?"

"No. Algebra is still the worst and everyone has been asking about you. Of course, no one knows so its all anyone has been talking about. You know, Where's Anabell? Did she move? Is she hurt? Is she preg--"

"Okay... I get the point! Well, what are you up to. I have to say you look better than last time."

"I'm good, but I could be better."

We spent the next hour talking and laughing. I was surprised to see that Daniel hadn't made one nasty remark since he got here. It was not like him. I started to get confused. I didn't know what to believe anymore. This was a totally different Daniel.

When the nurse came in and said it was time for him to go, Daniel pulled a piece of yellow paper from his jacket and handed it to me. On the front is read: To Anabell <3.

At first I thought it was from Amber. But after seeing the heart I knew it wasn't. Amber never signed anything like that. It was always the yin-yang. It symbolized the good (Amber) and the bad (Anabell) in our friendship. It must be from Daniel. Wow!

Daniel was walking out the door when I stopped him. Picking up the letter I wrote to Amber, I handed it to Daniel and said, "Can you please give this to Amber? But don't read it."

"Sure, anything for you."

Seriously. Did he just say that? I was about to scream 'Get a life' but stopped myself before he ended up like Amber. At least he visits me.

"Bye, Daniel. And thanks again."

"Your welcome," he said with a smile to big for my comfort.

Putting Daniel's letter under my pillow, knowing I couldn't read it, I was told to go shower and clean up by my nurse. I was now allowed to wander my room if I didn't try to run or exercise. Its not like I needed it anyway. I was losing more pounds by just sitting in my hospital bed than I ever had trying to work it off. This wasn't a great sign either. And both the doctors and I knew it. But really, what could they do? There is only one word to describe me: screwed!

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