Chapter 7 - End of a Legend

Start from the beginning

"Paragus, I do not recall requesting your presence for this meeting." King Vegeta expressed with a dead calm that matched the emotion in his dark eyes.

"Please, my King! Brolly is only a baby!" Paragus begged, hoping to break through to the King's fatherly instincts. "When he grows up he will be a great ally to you and Prince Vegeta! He has the capability to be a great warrior!"

King Vegeta stood up from his throne and advanced towards Paragus with a malevolent smile on his lips.

"Do you not think that I am aware of your son's abilities, Paragus? This is exactly why this must be done. I am protecting the Prince and his future," King Vegeta answered in a stern tone of voice that indicated that his decision was final and that he would not change it.

"Yes, of course, My King! Our Prince is well protected in the bowels of Freiza's ship!" Paragus spat out sarcastically, furious that King Vegeta refused to see Brolly's potential. King Vegeta snarled and brought his face close Paragus, glaring deeply into his deep pupils. Paragus had never seen so much cold hatred in anyone's eyes before. Paragus was well acquainted with many hateful stares in his lifetime because of his career as an elite, but this was the first time such a glare sent chills down his spine.

"Paragus, you think I'm a fool, do you? You don't think I can see that hunger burning deep inside your eyes? But it's your hunger that truly blinds you. You want so badly to rule the universe with your child by your side that you cannot even see the true nature of such power. You are genuinely a fool if you believe that you or I could rein in such an immense strength," King Vegeta uttered. "I am not even certain a man in your obviously mad state should even serve as an elite warrior..."

"Sire, no! Forgive my outburst!" Paragus cried out as he attempted to wriggle out of the guardsmen's grasps.

"Paragus, I hereby sentence you to death along with your son!" King Vegeta roared, bringing forth his open palm that glowed bright with his red ki. "EXECUTION BEAM!"

Suddenly, Paragus sailed across the room when the execution beam made contact with his torso. His inert body lay in a crumpled heap nearby the grand entrance.

"Toss his body in the trash, along with the corpse of his son. The sooner the better, I would really like to address the second issue for this meeting." King Vegeta ordered as he strode back to his throne.

"Of course, sire!" The head guardsmen nodded and he signalled the remaining three guards to pick up Paragus's lifeless body.

King Vegeta stood tall in front of his soldiers, his back facing the throne. He critically scanned the crowd of the handpicked soldiers that stood before him, feeling confident in his choices. They were the strongest warriors that Vegetasei had to offer and he felt certain that with this elite team behind him, they were certain to succeed in his dastardly plans for rebellion.

"All of you have been chosen to be a part of secret mission to recover our crown Prince from Freiza's ship. You soldiers have been carefully selected by Zorn and myself, because you are the strongest and you are the elite of all the warriors that reside on Vegetasei!" King Vegeta finally revealed as he watched his band of soldiers beam proudly at his commendation. "Never has there been a team of this calibre, we are certain to succeed and make Freiza rue the day he attempted to enslave us!"

The warriors cheered and raised their fists at King Vegeta's exclamation. The saiyan population grew tired of Freiza's tyranny and welcomed all ideas of a revolt. Zorn grinned approvingly as he surveyed the crowd from behind the King's shoulder. When their cheers finally subsided, Zorn addressed the revved up troops.

"For this rebellion to be effective, we must attack today as we cannot allow Freiza get wind of this. We will use the element of surprize to our advantage," Zorn stated. "Remember that we must tread carefully, the Prince is held captive on Freiza's ship. So whatever happens, do not destroy the ship!"

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