Chapter 20

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There was silence for a few seconds and then the members burst out laughing.

“Really Joon-ah? I think your imagination has finally run away with you.” Yoongi stated, sipping his cocktail.

Namjoon sighed as he attempted to defend his theory. “No but seriously. Just think about it.”

“But how can that be possible? The death threat was delivered way before you even knew Lee In Ha!” Seokjin protested.

“And don’t forget the gun. It was clearly aimed at you.” Jimin added, shaking his head. “In Ha noona jumping in to save you was merely a coincidence."

"And an incredibly lucky one at that if you ask me.” Hoseok deadpanned.

Namjoon waved his arms, unable to comprehend the sudden fear that had gripped him."What if it wasn’t a coincidence? What if it was all premeditated from the start?” he demanded, “I can’t explain the death threat yet. But we know that the woman holding the gun, Min Soo, thought it was just a prank. She wasn’t going to shoot at all!”

The panic was rising in his throat. “What if whoever was behind it all waited for In Ha to leap before me so that they could signal Bak to shoot? We know the gun was found in his possession and the detectives are certain he had an accomplice.” he said, referring to Ji Kang’s ex-manager.

“That’s insane Joonie and you know it!” Yoongi began “For that to succeed, the culprit would’ve had to be absolutely certain that she would jump in to save you. And that’s just not possible.”

“Unless whoever it is, knows In Ha really well and knew that she wouldn’t be able to resist saving him.” Taehyung said quietly.

“I don’t know Hyung.” Jungkook looked at Namjoon doubtfully. “It sounds far-fetched to say the least.”

“No kidding. Your conjecture is easily refutable.” Yoongi turned to the younger rapper and tried to smile at him. “You’re just overreacting. All of this is speculation at best.”

Namjoon remained unconvinced. All this time he had been grasping at straws, trying to figure out who would want to hurt him. The feeling that something wasn't quite right had plagued him from the start, as all his theories and deductions had ended up being hollow.

But if he viewed this situation from another perspective, from the perspective that there was a strong possibility that he might not be the target at all, then it changed everything. And that line of thinking led him to only one possible individual.

In Ha.

Maybe someone held a grudge against her and thought of their relationship as the perfect instrument to camouflage who the real target was.

Though his gut instincts told him he was on to something, logically speaking, his members had a point too. Maybe he really was trying to make connections where none existed.
“Don’t you think we should warn them that something may be amiss?” Lee asked as they drove to the offices of ILLUMINAI.

Park had called Joo Su Won in advance to inform her that they would be arriving and that it would be better if she could have the list ready to save them both time.

The Fashion head had sounded exceedingly reluctant, muttering something about how she needed to get to the gala. But the mention of her editor-in-chief had gained her compliance.

“No need to raise any alarm just yet. This could be completely unrelated for all we know.” he replied, his eyes scouring the road. “We can’t risk incurring Bang PD’s wrath if this turns out to be a dead end.”

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