Chapter 10

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Cha Ji Eun walked down the brightly lit corridor towards Big Hit’s conference room.

Her sneakers squeaked against the tiles as she tried to tide the nervousness that had gripped her, leaving her breathless from all the pressure. It didn’t help that one of Bangtan’s members was going to witness her first official performance as a trainee, a performance which would decide whether she would debut under the label or not.     
Jungkook studied the profile that had been handed to him by one of the producers. Cha Ji Eun.

She was a vocalist- in-training who had been preparing for her debut for a couple of years now. The photograph stapled to the sheet was blurred, rendering him incapable of distinguishing her features.

He looked up as the door opened and a young woman, Cha Ji Eun presumably, stepped in, almost cautiously.

The first thing about her that struck Jungkook was her height. She was taller than the average Korean woman, almost as tall as him. Held together in a bun atop her head, her hair was streaked with a shade of turquoise which accentuated her eyes, almost turning them silver in the brightly lit room.

And there was no denying the fact that she was beautiful.

Jungkook admired the way she glided into the room, greeting everyone present. As soon as the pleasantries were out of the way, she broke into an improvised rendition of one of their songs, ‘Let Me Know’, her voice resonating within the four walls of the studio.

Jungkook was amazed that the track could sound like this and even more amazed at the confidence she exuded once Ji Eun was in her element. She was definitely something.

When she finished, the room broke into applause, with everyone present complimenting her at the vivacity her performance had displayed. When it was Jungkook’s turn, he realized that he didn’t know what to say.

Ji Eun looked at him expectantly, unconsciously biting her lower lip. Jungkook found this to be exceedingly sexy and caught himself, shaking such thoughts out of his head, and groped for words.

“I think that was brilliant. Maybe we should perform at the gala together!”’ he shot out, inwardly cringing at his outburst and instantly regretting it.

Ji Eun hadn’t seen this coming. “Th-the gala?” she stammered.

“Actually, that’s a brilliant idea!” Bang Shi Hyuk PD walked over to where they were gathered around Ji Eun.

The CEO of Big Hit Entertainment was beaming and slapped Jungkook on the back, nodding in approval.
The gala was the celebration of Bangtan’s 10-year anniversary, a month from now, and the producers as well as the members had wanted to do something special to commemorate the important date. 

“And it would be the perfect way to introduce Ji Eun to the world of K-Pop! What do you say young lady?” he asked Ji Eun who had suddenly turned immensely conscious.

“I don’t mind, if that’s what you think would be best.” she replied, daring a glance at Jungkook. He gazed back at her and smiled, his heart beating a little too fast. Gosh, what was wrong with his raging hormones at this age?

“And I’ve already spoken with ILLUMINAI. They’ll be covering the event since their videographers are the best in Seoul. After the, um, fiasco at the fan meet, we have all agreed to take precautions so that things don’t get out of hand this time.” Bang PD finished as he exited the room.

As the rest of them filed out, Jungkook looked over to where Ji Eun was packing the duffel bag she had carried with her and hoped that, at least this time, there would be no undesirable interventions.
In Soong Ki was engrossed, editing the final video of Ji Kang’s photo shoot that Su Won had submitted.

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