Chapter 17

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In Ha raised an eyebrow as Taehyung and Sung Na sprang apart, their cheeks flushed.

“Um what took you so long to get the door?” Sung Na tried her best to sound composed but In Ha could see she was struggling to keep a straight face. Taehyung smiled unabashedly, obviously not caring that they had just been caught in a tight embrace.

“Tae? Why are you here?” Namjoon called out as he stood beside In Ha, attempting to read the situation.

“Hyung? I’m just dropping Sung Na off.”,he replied. His grin grew wider as he eyed Namjoon. “But why are you here?” he asked, highly amused.

Sung Na studied their ruffled appearances, keenly observing how In Ha’s strap had slipped off her shoulder, right down to Namjoon’s tousled hair and untucked shirt.

Her eyes glinted mischievously as she entered the apartment, lugging a surprised Taehyung along with her. “I see we’re not the only ones who crossed over to physical intimacy.” she snorted.

Namjoon and In Ha blushed as they followed them in.

“I have no idea what you mean. Namjoon simply wanted to update me on the investigation. Isn’t that right?”In Ha nudged him. He snapped out of his daze and nodded energetically.

Taehyung chuckled at their denial and Sung Na laughed, dropping onto the couch and was in the process of stretching her arms when In Ha pulled her up.

“Why don’t we get ourselves something to drink?” she said, dragging a protesting Sung Na towards the kitchen.

“So what happened?” In Ha burst out, once they were out of earshot.

Sung Na leaned against the counter and looked at her friend. “By the looks of it, I should be asking you that.” she smirked.

In Ha sighed.”Fine. I’ll go first if you must know.” Sung Na made a victory sign and settled against the ledge, making herself comfortable.

In Ha relayed the essentials of her conversation with Namjoon, ending with how they had agreed to see where this ‘relationship’ led. She conveniently omitted the details of their fervent kiss, wanting to keep that to herself. At least for now.

Sung Na wasn’t fooled. “All that is well and good, but aren’t you leaving out something? The ‘good’ stuff?” she asked, grinning.

In Ha tried her best to look nonchalant, shaking her head. “I don’t know what you mean.” she managed to say.

Sung Na decided to let it go for now and launched into the details of her date with Tae.

“He straight out told me he liked me. You can’t imagine how utterly shocked I was!” she said excitedly. "I had never imagined something like this would ever happen.” she continued, thinking back to her conversation with Taehyung.

His honesty had taken her by complete surprise. She hadn’t known how to respond, let alone keep the blush from spreading across her cheeks.

“And what did you say?” In Ha’s voice brought her back to the present.

“Well, I told him that I liked him too. But that I couldn’t distinguish whether those feelings were for V or for Kim Taehyung. I know they’re one and the same but as a fan, I couldn’t deceive him with emotions that might not be real. Not when he was being so honest with me.” Sung Na bit her lip.

She knew she liked him, a lot, but what she didn’t know was how true those feelings were, how strong. “So I told him that I needed a little more time. To figure it out.”

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