Interlude: Just One Day

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Hey guys! Firstly, thank you so much for reading and supporting this story! Y'all have no idea how much it means to me :)

Secondly, this chapter doesn't have much bearing on the events occurring in the story. It's more of a filler though it focuses on developments in the characters' relationships. It's a little longer than the other chapters but I hope you guys will enjoy reading it!

P.s I apologize for any cringiness in advance :P Happy reading!
“So is it official then?” Yoongi asked, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

The guys were in their practice studio, a full length mirror on one side to allow them to monitor their progress. They had been practicing hard for the gala, a series of their hits lined up to showcase their spectacular talent and as a tribute to all their hard work over the years, as well as their love for ARMY.

Hoseok had announced a short break and the members were relaxing, sprawled in various positions on the floor.

Taehyung was reading fanfiction on his phone, his head on Jimin’s lap who had his eyes closed. Jungkook and Hoseok were absorbed in BlackPink’s latest music video, trying to memorize their dance routine while Jin was, unsurprisingly, indulging in his favorite snacks.

Namjoon, to whom Yoongi’s question was addressed, looked up from his phone and cocked an eyebrow. “What is?”

Yoongi smirked, sitting beside him. “Your relationship with Lee In Ha.”

Namjoon leaned against the wall, eyeing his hyung. “We haven’t put a label on our relationship yet, if that’s what you mean.” he replied.

“Is she worried about the fans’ reactions?” Yoongi asked.

Namjoon bit his lip, nodding. “She thinks it might be too soon to reveal it to them. She wants to do it slowly, so that it doesn’t come as a complete shock to ARMY.”

Yoongi smiled, a smile which went all the way up to his ears. Namjoon hadn’t seen him smile like that in a while. “Your girlfriend might be smarter than you Joon-ah.”

Namjoon laughed, attracting the attention of the other members. “What’s so funny?” Jin said through a mouthful of beef jerky.

“Namjoon hyungie is in loovvveee.” Tae said in a singsong voice, chuckling.

Namjoon blushed, pointing at the younger man. “Yah! We all know that I’m not the only one!”

Taehyung grinned while Jimin turned a deep shade of red. “I’ll admit that Kim Sung Na is quite something. And we already have the same last name!”

Hoseok smacked his head, plopping down beside him. “Never forget that I was your first kiss.” he sniggered. Tae tried to whack him, but the rapper deflected his blows.

“On a serious note, I can tell you’re happy Joon-ah.” Yoongi said quietly, watching the younger members with affection. “That kind of emotion is conducive to you, you know.”

Namjoon turned, but Yoongi’s expression was unreadable. “What about you then Hyung?”

Yoongi looked at the younger rapper. They had been through so much together. He could still envision those struggling days and nights clearly, when they were striving so hard to make themselves heard, to make a difference in the world. Bangtan was everything to him, and even if he never found the kind of love that the other members were talking about, he knew that as long as he had Bangtan, love was always present.

He smiled at Namjoon, ruffling his hair. “I’m too swag to go crazy over something like that.” he replied, his gummy grin not reaching his eyes.

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