Chapter 3

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The day preceding the fan meet was as chaotic as In Ha had expected. The staff was running around, their hair on end with Yoo Mi barking instructions in all directions.

In Ha had been exhausted enough, since her department was tasked with the main coverage during the event, going over every last detail with Sung Na to ensure a smooth operation on the actual day. To make matters worse, Ji Kang's manager had picked that very date to set up a meeting with her.

Yoo Mi had insisted on joining In Ha, citing the lack of decorum with which she had handled his case two years ago. They were now seated in her office, a cozy room situated on the 20th floor, offering a panoramic view of the city of Seoul.

Shades of purple outlined every surface, giving the interior a soothing and calming feel. It was, however, an irony which wasn't lost on In Ha. She had never been comfortable in that room and was convinced that she never would be in the future either.

As they waited for Ji Kang and his manager to arrive, Yoo Mi turned to In Ha, who was currently seated on a plush chair overlooking the Seoul skyline.

"I hope I don't have to warn you of the ramifications of any smart words you may be intending to fling at Ji Kang," she deadpanned.

Irritation coursed through In Ha's veins but she managed to reply without sounding consternate. "I have absolutely no desire to even look at him, much less address a word or two in his direction." She had wanted to sound sarcastic but realized her words were sadly lacking in impact.

What was the matter with her?

Yoo Mi simply threw a wry glance at In Ha and refocused her attention on the laptop currently perched on her desk.

No sooner had In Ha wished that she could find some excuse to extricate herself from this undesired meeting than the door swung open.

The first thing she realized was how different Ji Kang looked. His hair was a jet black, accentuating the blue of his irises, his brown tweed coat perfectly complimenting his pale face. As he strode into the room, In Ha realized what was missing. His insufferable grin which had never failed to irk her.

His manager, a stout man with graying hair, walked in after him, offering his hand to Yoo Mi who shook it placidly and gestured towards the sofa. "Please, make yourselves comfortable," she said, eyeing Ji Kang who seated himself, almost gingerly.

In Ha realized that his manager wasn't the same as the man she had met two years ago. As if reading her thoughts, the manager, who introduced himself as Kim Joong Sook, informed them that the previous manager had been fired on account of his incompetence.

Kim Joong Sook took in the interior of the office and attempted to begin what was obviously going to be a very uncomfortable discussion.

"We requested this meeting in hopes of extending a renewed apology on behalf of our agency and of course Ji Kang." He shot Ji Kang a look and the latter nodded. The manager went on. "We would be very grateful if you would agree to aid us in recasting his image in a positive light."

He paused here, looking at Yoo Mi and In Ha. "We think it would be appropriate for the magazine who defamed him to display to the world that he has indeed changed for the better. We think it adds more credibility-"

"Has he though?" In Ha interrupted. Her annoyance was growing by the minute and had been spiked by the manager's nonchalance.

Yoo Mi shot her a reproachful glare but In Ha ignored her. "How can we be sure?" she addressed this directly to Ji Kang who had so far remained silent.

"Because I have. Or at least I'm trying to." His voice almost sounded pleading. "I realize that this is a ridiculous favor to ask of you. But I sincerely wish to apologize not only to ILLUMINAI but also to my fans." he finished with a defeated look in his eyes.

In Ha was certainly surprised at his demure attitude but eyed him doubtfully, unable to accept this sudden change in demeanor. Yoo Mi obviously had other views.

"What will you offer us in return?" she asked.

The manager slid a file across the tinted table. "A contract with YJ for 5 years, allowing you full access to the artists under our label."

In Ha's mouth dropped open and Yoo Mi's eyes glinted. So far, they had only managed to snag monthly or quarterly contracts with YJ, one of the biggest entertainment agencies under which Ji Kang was also represented. Five years would not only boost their popularity but also contribute to the annual revenue.

In Ha wasn't surprised when her editor agreed, with renewed vigor. The manager and Ji Kang couldn't be thankful enough, absolute in their conviction that ILLUMINAI's assistance would help showcase his newfound integrity.

And as In Ha watched them leave, eager smiles and happy countenances, she hoped that this delicate house of cards wouldn't come crumbling down.

"That's absolute nonsense and Yoo Mi knows it." declared Sung Na as they ran through the schedule one final time. It was finally the day of the fan meeting.

The open air arena was brocaded with mingled decorations of garlands and posters with huge standees of all the BTS members placed at the entrance. The stage was set up with chairs and a long table covered with a silken fuchsia cloth, refreshments and placards placed atop it for each member. The night air was crisp and the slight breeze added to the nuances of the evening.

In Ha, dressed in a pale blue shirt and black pants, couldn't help but notice her sprightly friend's enthusiasm which hadn't been dimmed in the slightest by her revelations about the meeting with Ji Kang.

"But right now, all that matters is the flawless execution of this wonderful gathering following which we can slur Ji Kang to our hearts' content!" she finished happily.

In Ha laughed as she admired the grey suit which showed off Sung Na's curves in all the right ways. "Look any hotter and Kim Taehyung might just fall for you," In Ha teased, earning a bright smile from her friend.

"Oh that's exactly my intention. He's not escaping tonight," she winked at her before joing In Soong Ki, one of the members of the team jointly headed by the two women.

He had been one of the most talented videographers ILLUMINAI had had under its wing and was one of the few friends apart from Sung Na that In Ha could rely on, but his life had spiraled out of control a couple of years ago due to an immense debt. Following this, his instability had almost cost him his job but with Ha Kyung's assistance and In Ha's repeated efforts to stress his capabilities, he had managed to retain his position.

"How are you holding up these days?" Sung Na asked him.

Soong Ki smiled at her, his light brown hair ruffled by the slight wind. "Better now that I'm finally piecing my life back together. It's all thanks to you." He grinned at In Ha, who grinned back, before returning to his task of guaranteeing that all the cameras were in order.

"I'm gonna get a coffee before this place begins to bustle with shrieking ARMIES," In Ha informed Sung Na who nodded absent-mindedly without looking up from her schedule chart.

As In Ha made her way backstage, swerving around throngs of people who had already begun to file in, she wondered what it would be like to see BTS up close, her heart beating a little too fast for comfort.

She crossed the barrier which separated the grounds from the backstage area, strictly meant for the staff and employed personnel and approached the make shift refreshment counter which was surprisingly devoid of a queue. She ordered a latte for herself and was about to return to her post when she decided to grab a drink for Sung Na.

But In Ha had turned around too quickly, not noticing the masked man who had crept up behind her and was in the midst of placing an order. She knocked into him, losing her balance as well as her coffee, startling the man, who appeared young despite the fact that most of his face and hair were concealed.

In Ha didn't realize she was falling, until she found herself on the ground, face to face with a pair of deep brown eyes.

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