Part 25- Lab stuff

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I slowly nod "yeah I'm ready "

Alphys nods, taking you to her room, setting you on a desk with some machinery. Looks complicated.

I sit down on the desk.... I push my my cloak over my shoulders. She can see the dress.

*O-oh... T-that's a nice dress... D-did Mettaton make that for you?

She sets up a machine, turning it on with a small whir. The hum from the machine is... I can't say it's soothing, but it's not off-putting to listen to either.

No actually... Idont know who made it... We just found it ... But mettaton did make the ones I put in this small back pack.... Which I found...."
I gulp a bit nervous about the machine.

*Y-you don't know...?

She seems confused, thinking about it, but snaps herself out of it shortly after.

*D-don't worry, we're just looking at the properties of your soul, I-It won't hurt, trust me. W-we've run this machine on monsters before, a-and our souls are notably more f-fragile. I-I think you'll do fine.

"A..alright..if your sure alphys."

I take a deep breath and exhale. "Im ready"

She sits you down on top of the machine.

*Normally I'd have you place your left hand on the machine, but you're small enough to fit your entire body on the hand scanner... That might actually be a good thing, could mean we get a more accurate result.
*A-and that's saying something, my machines are VERY accurate to begin with.

"T..thats good. long will the scan take?" I ask

*It takes a-about thirty seconds.

She starts the scan, and your soul appears in front of you.

I watch as my soul appears infront of me.

The machine scans your soul, running a scan over every section of it.

I watch as it scans each color section....
Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple.....

*S-strange... T-the scan is usually done by now... M-maybe it's because your soul is more complex?

Alphys thinks to herself, trying to find the answer, but also trying to keep you calm too.

"That would be my guess"I say to her before look back down at my soul.

Eventually the scan finishes, and Alphys looks over the results. She's completely baffled by the looks of things.

I watch as a paper comes out of the machine and picked up by alphys......

I look at her face and see her surprised expression."whats do they say?"I ask, a bit nervous

*I-It's just the statistics the machine brought up... W-we already established your soul is unique, b-but... I've... I've never seen a soul this powerful before.

My eyes widen a bit.... Gaster had said something like that as well....

I wondered if I should ask her if she knows of gaster, now or a bit later....

*I-It's... I-I don't know what to say, N-not even the old record books have anything about something like this.

Now may be a good time to ask.

I sigh "um ..hey alphys?"I say to her


She asks, not looking away from the paper just yet.

"Um...... Can I ask you something?"

*S-sure, w-what did you want to know?

I take breath and ask...
"Do you know of ... Dr. Gaster?"

((Dun dun dun!))

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