"Looks about whit-"

"Kielce would you shut up and at least help." She spat with an almost painful eye roll to emphasize her demand.

"I'm not supporting this front you're putting on, Mel."

"How is it a front? It's a fucking dinner, it's what you do for a dinner obviously!"

"Who has dinner like this? Because it sure as hell isn't us. We barely even have sit down dinners together period."

"And whose fault is that?" She snapped, turning to face him. His eyes budged in confusion as he looked around.

"It isn't mine! Hell you looking at me for? Most of the time I do try to eat with you, you have an attitude-"

"Maybe if you weren't out with Livan more than your own wife, I wouldn't have to have an attitud-"

"Maybe if you didn't have an attitude, I wouldn't be out with Loki so much!" Kielce snarled. As if it wasn't already thick enough, tension between the two was growing thicker and more heated. "Besides most of the time I be working which it seems like you don't appreciate considering you barely take your job serious."

A loud knock cut their dispute from continuing as they both looked at the door. Blowing out another breath for the umpteenth time, Kielce rubbed down his face as he turned away; getting himself together and calm in the short moment he had. Melani peeped out the peephole of the door, feeling her heart rate pick up.

Clearing her throat and pushing her irritable feelings to the side, she forced on a small smile and swung the door open. "Ummi, Abbi." Melani greeted in their Arabic tongue.

That was their families known tradition once coming to America-despite the new language they learned and culture they developed, always greet your parents in the mother tongue with respect. At this time and age, that's all they'd say in that language but that'd be enough for her parents to firstly be in a good mood.

They smiled, not too hard but politely as her mom reached forward and gave her a hug. Melani grew up in a unaffectionate home so when they did show it, it was half hearted as that hug her mother had just given, was. "Aw, Esi, you look pretty."  Her mom spoke in a slow, low tone, referring to her by her middle name, as she had a tight hold onto her face.

Melani Esi Madaki. Esi meant Sunday for them, the day Melani was born.

"Evening Mr. and Mrs. Madaki." Kielce spoke up since he appeared transparent to them as they ignored his presence but stood in the doorway of his house. Melani step to side and allowed them to enter fully as she shut the door.

"Ah, son in law." Mrs. Madaki spoke to Kielce as, not bothering to refer him to his name. He kept respect locked in his mind as he disregarded the rudeness. She passed by towards the table as here came Mr. Madaki- the face of the man used to give Kielce haunted dreams.

Kielce rubbed his hands together, blowing into them occasionally as he walked quicker along the iced sidewalk. This night in Maryland seemed to be colder than usual and he wasn't enjoying one bit- he had an idea on how to warm up quickly though.

He stuffed his palms into his jacket's pockets, avoiding the dime bags of cocaine he had inside of them that he'd spend tomorrow selling. He cut a corner and took a shortcut through a yard before jumping a small fence as a few dogs barked and cats scattered off.

He came up to the wooded home he was looking for and knocked on a back window he was familiar with, his knuckles feeling numb from the cold and hard knocking. He looked around quickly, hearing car beeping and city music in the distance when he heard the window sliding up.

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