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Shoutout to SarahLynn111999 for this request!
I've never been more scared. I was kidnapped late last night. He's got blue eyes. That's all I know because he covers the rest of his face. With a ski mask. You know how terrifying that is?
I was minding my own business, walking to my car from the store, when this crazy guy pulled me into a passing van.
"Help me." I hear him say to someone as they enter the cell like room I'm in.
"Ben, you're an idiot." They growl. They shove something in my face, and everything goes black again.
A few weeks go by and they've started yelling at each other. All the time. And it scares me.
Eventually one unmasks. He's got blue eyes, but it's not the one who kidnapped me. This ones different.
Eventually he gets me to talk to the guy who DID kidnap me.
I learn his name is Hayes.
"Hayes!" I yell, impatient.
He gets very mad. That's why we start hating each other. For months all we will do is yell.
Till the night I have a panic attack. He's the one there holding me. He's the one who refuses to let Nash near me. And honestly, I'm ok with that. He's MY blue eyes.

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