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Hayes has street fought ever since we were little. It started out as a bet. Jackson didn't think he would fight a kid in our class. Hayes one. This just spiraled into what it is now. Underground fighting for thousands of dollars. And Hayes has yet to lose.
"Win this, and everyone will know who you are." Jackson says, gripping onto Hayes's shoulders.
"I got this." Hayes says.
After a brutal fight, that Hayes could have lost if it wasn't for him being quicker, he stumbles over to me.
"Hayes, you need medical attention." I tell him.
"I'm fine... just sore." He whimpers. I start cleaning him up with the first aid kit they provided us with.
"Hayes, you need stitches." I sigh, looking at a bad gash in his side.
"No." He says.
"I'll do them." Austin, who works the graveyard shift at the hospital as a nurse, says.
"Hayes I can numb it and you won't feel anything. Other wise we have to pack it super well with gauze and that will rub and hurt worse." He tells him.
We wait to get home, then Austin starts stitching him up. He grabs onto me, whimpering.
"You're ok." I tell him. He starts getting more shaky, so I start mumbling sweet nothings into his ear to get him to calm down.
"(Y/N) I can't..." he starts panicking. I feel awful. He looks so exhausted. His eyes are full of terror, and his body filled with sweat and blood.
"You'll be ok." I whisper to him. "I promise."
Suddenly, my hand starts to feel tingly, and his shoulder, which I have a hand on, starts glowing. Wait... what?!
Little bit of a plot twist! What do you think is going on?  Comment! Also vote.

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