School's Out Early

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School was let out early after the spring sport appreciation pep fest. My car was in the shop, my friend couldn't give me a ride home because she was riding with another friend, for the same reason I don't have a car, and so I am stuck riding the bus.
"That sucks." She says when I tell her.
"Yeah. And now I have to wait twenty minutes." I roll my eyes. I catch a glance of someone out of the corner of my eye. Hayes Grier. He's a jock, but he's really quiet, smart, and has really good grades. He doesn't have many close friends, and prefers to keep to himself, but all the girls still want to be his girlfriend.
He's standing there, talking to some of his friends, but looking at me. A freshman girl walks up to him then, and as she's only probably 5'2'', he looks down at her. He wraps an arm around her, giving her a forehead kiss, before looking back to his friends, then glancing at me again.
Who is she? Oh, I already know. That's his little sister Skylynn.
(A/N I know Skylynn is obviously much younger than him, just go with it for the story.)
They're so cute, he's like that all the time with her. It's a protection thing. I swear the kid is wired to protect her.
"Sarah! Earth to Sarah!" My friend smacks the back of my head.
"Stop staring at Grier! I'm leaving!"
I hug her goodbye, before awkwardly walking over to a table and sitting down.
As I wait, I notice he still hasn't left. He looks over at me with worry every once in a while. Finally it's time for me to walk out to the buses. As I'm walking out, I notice him and his sister leaving. Weird! Then it hits me.
Hayes waited to leave until he knew I had a way home!
I smile like crazy the entire ride home (as loud and annoying as the bus is.)
The next day at school, he walks in, before standing and talking with his friends, an arm casually over Skylynn's shoulder. I can tell it keeps her calm. He keeps looking at me too.
Three weeks later:
I have an anxiety attack before doing a speech in my fifth hour. I quickly leave the room. As I'm sitting in the hallway, trying to calm down, I hear quick footsteps coming towards me, before a soft voice says
"It's ok, you're ok." Someone pulls me into a warm hug. Dang they smell good! I look into their blue eyes, and know exactly who it is.
"Hayes?" I whimper.
"Shh baby girl. It's all ok now." He whispers, pulling me into his arms. We stay like that for a while, until the teacher comes out.
"Do you think you can present?" He asks.
"No." Hayes answers for me. "She's like Sky. Can she come in after school and do it for just you?"
"Yeah. Thank you, Mr. Grier." He says sincerely, noticing how I've calmed down considerably.
"You're welcome. I'm gonna bring her to the nurse." Hayes tells him. The teacher leaves us alone then.
That's how Hayes Grier took my heart and made me believe in something called love.
Dang that got deep. This is actually based on the guy I like. He and his younger brother are very close, and when his younger brother is around him he normally will put a hand on his shoulder just to be there for him and it's the cutest thing! allen-magdalena you know who and what I'm talking about. Anywho! Thanks for the reads fam! Should I continue to update?

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