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I knew Hayes when we were little. Then he went completely bad boy, and decided to mess around with all the girls. And by mess around, I mean sleep with them. He's slept with most of the girls in my school, the exception being my friend group. We're the fighters. We stand up for what we believe in, and won't back down from a fight. His whole friend group has tried to break us down and get us to do things with them, but we haven't broken yet. And with only 10 months left in high school, I don't think they'll ever get there.
"(Y/N)!" My friend yells across the parking lot of the school.
"Are you going tonight?" She's talking about the back yard barbecue our church's high school group is putting on.
"Yeah!" I yell back. I turn to get in my car, to see Hayes and his right hand man, Tez, both standing there staring at me like I have three heads. I shrug it off though, and get in my car and drive away.
Talk about weird.
What happenes next? I'll update tomorrow:) I just wanted to get this chapter published because it's been like two days and it's driving me crazy haha 😂

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