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Hiya guys Author-Chan here I figured I would make a cute story with fluff.

Hanji's POV

I was in my lab making a potion that'll make you look younger. Now that I think about it I should make Erwin a potion to give him normal eyebrows instead of squirrels. While I was working Levi walked into the lab. "Oi, Shitty Glasses. Clean up your fucking lab it's disgusting." Levi said making a face of disgust.

  After Levi left I looked around the lab. "This is gonna take awhile. Hey I know Eren can help me." I said grinning. I run up the stairs. "EREN! EREN!" I yell when I see him. He stops and turns around. "Oh..hey Hanji" He said kinda down. "Hey what's wrong? Never mind I need your help come with me!" I said grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him.

    We managed to clean half the lab before taking a break. "So Eren what's been bothering you?" I ask. He blushes. "Um nothing really just thinking." He says sighing. "Well what are you thinking?" I say before getting a sip of water. He sighs. "I think Levi hates me. He always calls me names and is so harsh to me." He says looking down. "Eren that's normally how he treats people. Sadly yes it's true Shorty doesn't care about anything to be honest." I say looking at him. He looks at me and gives me a sad smile. "That isn't it is it." I say smiling. He blushes and looks away. "N-no." He stutters out. "AWWW MY LITTLE TITAN BABY HAS A CRUSH!!" I exclaim. He blushes even deeper. "Hanji keep it down please. And maybe I do but please don't say anything. He doesn't like me." He says before getting up and working again.

    Erwin came down to get me saying they needed to speak to me. I asked Eren if he can finish up cleaning the lab. He nods.

Eren's POV

I was walking down the hall thinking why Levi hates me. I hear someone yelling my name. I turn around and it was Hanji. She asked me if I could help her clean her lab. It would get my mind off of Levi so why not.

   About half way through cleaning we take a break to get water or what not. I was sitting there resting until Hanji asked about what has been on my mind. I told her and she said he's like that to everyone. Then she exclaims something about me having a crush I told her to keep it down. And not to say a word to nobody. He probably doesn't like me in that way.

   After our conversation I get back to work. Me and Hanji got a good deal of it done. Erwin came down saying they had to speak with Hanji. So she asked me if I can finish everything up. As I was working I had to put stuff up on the top shelf. I finally found ladder and started to climb up. As I was on the ladder I was putting stuff up when..."HEY EREN IM BACK!!" Hanji exclaims causing me to lose balance. I tried to grab onto the shelf but missed it. I grabbed a potion and it fell with me. I hit the cold cement floor. The potion had fell and half of it landed in my mouth. It tasted horrible I started to black out.

   After I woke up I sat up and looked around to see Hanji wide eyed. I asked her what happened but she didn't answer. I look at my clothes they were big on me. Wait. I run to the mirror and look at me. I'm a toddler.

Cliffhanger uh oh new chapter will be uploaded soon.

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