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Chris POV 

My flight landed back home. I drove straight to Abigails home. It was about 4:05 in the morning and I was tired as hell. Before I arrivied I stopped by this shop and bought roses. Then I drove to her house.

I turned the door knob and of course it was open she never locks her door. I walked in and set the flowers down. I took off my shoes and shirt and walked into her bedroom. She was laying there peacefully asleep. I smiled and laid next to her. 

Abigails POV

i flinched as I felt arms around me. I slowly turned around and saw chris "BABY" Ii yelled jumping on him and kissing his lips. He kissed me back. It was a strong kiss more like a "i miss you" kiss. I finally broke it apart and smiled at him"damn you've missed me" he said. I rolled my eyes and snuggled closer to him. "get sleep baby" I said. His slender arms wrapped around me tighter and not even less then 2 min I heard snoring.

NEXT DAY---------

I washed up and finished eating breakfest. Chris went back home to get ready. I put the flowers in the vase that he left for me on my dinning table after last night. 

I checked my phone to see if chris texted me 

ANGELO: hey the girl canceled her tattoo session so you don't need to come in today have fun!

I totally forgot about that but thank god he reminded me . I didn't bother replying to him so I left it. 


"babe i'm almost ready hold up" I said putting on my shoe "Abigail you said that 2 hours ago" he said on the other side of the bathroom door. I just giggled and ignored him. I opened the door and he looked sexy. Like super fine. I've never seen him dressed like this, but it's so hot. He has a button up on with a tie and dress pants with nice shoes. "Damn" is all that escaped his mouth.

"damn?" i question, "look at you, you look amazing." he said. I blushed at his compliment. He faked a cough and we both walked to the car together. 


while we were eating chris didn't speak. he seemed nervous like he wanted to tell me something, but couldn't say it. "Chris you oka-" "yes" he cut me off. I rolled my eyes and just shrugged it off. "you know how I told you I had news the other day on the phone?"

"oh  yea what was it?" I totally remembered now. "before I tell you I want to give you something."

he reached for something in his pocket and pulled a black box out. "C-Chris we can't w-what are you doing..?" I stuttered. "no no. it's not that. it's a promise ring. Im promising to love you forever and ever." he softly spoke and tears started forming in my eyes."chris what are you going to tell me..?" I knew it was something bad after i saw a tear roll down. 

He touched my thigh and spoke, "I have to move to CA and live with Devin, we're going to do something big for the band. It might take about a year." he paused "i'll be back for you.. I promise." he kissed my head . I was speechless. I nodded and put the ring on. 


We laid there in my bed, tired, breathless. The first person I make Love to has to leave. "Please come back to me chris" I cried. 

He nodded and kisssed my forehead once again.

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