Dinner notice

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"What are you doing here?" Kyle spoke softly, the grin that was on his face a few seconds ago disappeared and turned into a frown.

"What.. What.. I'm" the words didn't come out correctly, I was speechless.
"What do you mean?" I finally said

"America Abigail. Aren't you suppose to be in Scotland raising your family?" He questioned raising his eyebrow
I scoffed as he said the word family , "no...I don't have a family of my own yet, I live here cause my boyfriend lives here."

He didn't respond, he just stood there, speechless. I looked into his eyes desperately trying to figure out what he was thinking.

A sigh escaped his pale lips, "nice seeing you again." And with those final words he walked away. I frowned a bit hoping he would come back and ask for my number or if we can catch up or be friends.
But he continued walking and turned to another aisle.
"Did you guys speak at all?"

"Yea we did, but he just walked away, I don't think Kyle was happy to see me at all mom."

"Don't worry about it darling, listen you guys didn't end well, Oliver is here with Hannah, I'll call you tomorrow darling. Bye."
The line went dead.

I put my phone on my bed and looked at my blank wall. I haven't had time with my mom because she's always talking about weddings and she's always talking about Hannah. I guess I am a bit jealous, but I'm just used to being her little girl I guess.

I sighed and grabbed my laptop. I went online and searched up tattoo ideas. I'm thinking of getting my whole thigh tattooed. My phone rang making me take my eyes off my laptop screen. I grabbed it and answered it "hello?"



Yea, where you expecting anyone else? Heh.

Why was your number blocked?

Using devins phone and I didn't want his number on your phone.

You're dumb.

I know
Anyways I'm gonna go home tomorrow and I was thinking of a nice fancy dinner tomorrow night? At Sidel's restaurant?

Uh sure.?

Do you not want to?

No I do it's just we don't really go to dinner.

Chang it up a bit


Alright babe, I'm flying out at 12 midnight so I'll see you in a few hours.


Bye, love you.

Love you to.

And then I hung up. I sighed knowing I would have to go out and get a dress for tomorrow night. I dialed rylans number.

"What's up?"
"Well Chris asked me to go to dinner with him, do you think you can possible help me find a dress for tomorrow night?"
"Oh yea! Ricky and I were just gonna go out shopping!"
"Okay, I'll meet you at the mall?"


I parked my car in the parking lot. I didn't want Ricky to go with us, but I wasn't gonna tell rylan no. She's like obsessed with that guy. As I walked in the store they said they were gonna be at I automatically noticed Ricky. Then I turned and saw rylan she looked older than usual. Her hair wasn't brown. It was long and blond and her eye makeup was perfect and her clothes were exactly like Ricky's genre. She had a septum and lip piercing.

"Hey" rylan yelled as she turned and saw me. I weakly smiled and waved at her.
Ricky smiled at me also and they both walked towards me. "Hey where's Chris?" Ricky asked "he's in LA with devin" I explained. Ricky nodded and raised his eyebrow, but then made a "oh I remember" face.

We walked around every store while having Ricky complain on how his feet hurt or having to stop cause some fan would see Ricky or having a fan ask me about Chris . It was annoying.

I finally found a black lacy dress, very short and "sexy" type. Rylan bought a lot of dresses also for no reason, but they were all black and gothy.it was pretty funny on how much rylan changed.

"So how has it been living with each other?" I asked as I took a bite of my salad. We were eating lunch at Olive Garden.

"Great" rylan smiled
"It's good, but rylan takes over the whole space." He laughed, but then quickly stopped "I have to use the restroom." Ricky said. I rolled my eyes. And sighed

"So what's up?" I asked rylan
"I heard Ryan-Ashley is pregnant." Rylan mumbled
"Yea yea" I said
"It's been a few months since the last tour ended."
"Two months." I corrected
"Oh." She said

I raised my eyebrow. "Are you okay?" I asked

Rylan nodded. "I think I'm gonna go I have to clean the house." Rylan said.

I nodded confused and she paid for her bill and left. Ricky came out of the bathroom and asked about rylan and I told him she's in the car.

I paid for my bill and left.


I waited for my timer to go off so I can wash my face soap off.
I tried calling rylan after everything, but her calls went all to voicemail.

That was strange, I wonder if she's bipolar or not. I shrugged it off and set out my clothes for tomorrow night. I decided to wear red tall heels, even though I know me wearing tall ass heels won't make me taller than Chris it's fine.

I heard my timer go off and I washed my face and changed into my pajamas.
Put was getting pretty late *12:09 am*

I grabbed my phone and texted Chris saying have a safe flight

Later after that I fell asleep.

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