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"Oh um yea hold up" I tapped Chris's head telling him to get off my lap, he listened and raised his drawn eyebrow at me

I walked outside closing the door lightly

"Okay yea sorry when's the flight?" I asked while biting the inside of my cheek

"8:30 pm"

"Oh okay I can use the same ticket right?"

"Yes ma'am you can."

"Okay thanks."

"No problem miss. Silver have a great flight."

I hung up without responding, I knew it. They were going to fix it way earlier, I think today's the 5th day.

I didn't want to go inside, I didn't want to start crying cause I'm leaving Chris, I know I'll see him next month but it's going to take forever

I sighed and shook it off and walked back in the house"who was that?" Chris asked while grabbing a lays bag

"Flight." I scoffed "I'm leaving tomorrow." I explained
"W-what?" He stuttered as his smile turned into a frown "it's the 5th day, they um fixed their system or whatever." I sighed

"What time?"
"8:30 ish pm." I answered

Chris huffed and grabbed a plate
"We will see each other next month right?" I asked biting my bottom lip

"Of course we are! Abigail when you leave I'll make sure we stay in contact in all time." Chris said as he walked towards me and cupped my face and attach his sweet pink lips on mine

I leaned away "I'm going to miss you." I mumble looking down at my shoes

"Don't think about it.." He answered while lifting my chin with his fingertips
I slightly smiled and sat on the couch as Chris went to go get the plate with chips.


The whole day we cuddled and watch movies and ate

It was already 12 I could hear snoring from Chris

"Chris..Chris." I shook him slightly

He didn't even move, I sighed and just turned my back so now my back was facing him, he put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him, oh how I'm going to miss this...just 1 more month..


Chris POV

* next day*

Abigail went with Jessica to hang out for two hours until she goes home, so I'm with balz and Ryan-Ashley at their shop

"She likes you a lot Chris I could tell." Ryan-Ashley said as she set up a banner

"Just ask her don't be a wimp." Balz said while punching my arm

"Ow." I mumbled

"What if she rejects me?" I asked

"Christopher are you serious?" Ryan-Ashley asked as she turned around

"She's very pretty you can see it in her eyes, she's crazy about you Chris ask her!" She yelled causing the people in the shop to look at her

"Yea Chris ASK HER!" Balz said with the same tone as Ryan-Ashley

"Okay calm the fuck down. I'll ask her."


We were in the airport and I was rolling her luggage

"Flight to Scotland will be boarding in 5 min."

Abigail looked at me "I should get going." She mumbled, I nodded and looked at her once again "Abby before you go I have to ask you something." Her eyes twinkled and her lips created a smile

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